email window opens up behind outlook 2003


Gary Belanger

At times when we open up Outlook 2003 and doubleclick a new email, the
window containing the new email goes behind Outlook and you can't click the
new window on the systray, you have to minimize Outlook to access this new
email window.

Can anyone help? And we are NOT running Plaxo or any plugins that I can
think of. This all started when we installed Remote Desktop Connection
v5.2, but not sure why and how to resolve if this is causing the problem.

Thank you.

Gary Belanger

Gary Belanger

When you open a new email in Outlook, a window opens up. This window opens
up behind the main Outlook window. The only way to see this email is to
minimize Outlook. How can we prevent this?


Brian Tillman

Gary Belanger said:
When you open a new email in Outlook, a window opens up. This window
opens up behind the main Outlook window. The only way to see this
email is to minimize Outlook. How can we prevent this?

Usually caused by an add-in. Plaxo, for example, is known to cause this.

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