eMail validation library

  • Thread starter Thread starter Thomas
  • Start date Start date


Hi all!

I'm looking for a good eMail validation library/assembly that I can include
in my .net projects for verifying eMail addresses (mainly syntax checking).


Why not just use a regex expression to validate the email
address? The Regex class works great for something like

-Nick Parker
anyone got any ideas for checking the address for validity with an smtp server?

not just valid syntax, but actual validity?
This is pretty much useless since most mail servers will not tell you if the
address is valid or not for security reasons. As long as the e-mail address
it going to an address within its domain it will normally accept the
message. The only way to tell if its invalid is by the failure notice the
mail server sends back to sender.
Bill said:
This is pretty much useless since most mail servers will not tell you if the
address is valid or not for security reasons. As long as the e-mail address
it going to an address within its domain it will normally accept the
message. The only way to tell if its invalid is by the failure notice the
mail server sends back to sender.


And that is the reason why most listservs do a
"dont-call-us-we'll-call-you" dance where they pass a URL will some
cookie as an email and the user has to click on that to get in.
Well, I'm not very familiar with RegEx and the ready-to-use expressions that
I've found so far didn't cover 100% of all possible eMail syntax.