After using XP for approx 1 yr with OK results overall (and only 2 bazillion patches..., all of a sudden any and every email program I use/install is unable to receive mail from my provider -- I can manually log into my mail via telnet, and can also manually log in via web mail from all providers fine -- but for some reason, none of them get my password when I hit "get mai" in a mail program (I've tried netscapemessenger, Mozilla, and MS outlook, so far...) --> I always get "Host contacted: Server responded unable to recognize user ID or Password". I've spent tons of time with my ISP support, and they say it's an XP problem. I've tried disabling my Norton antivirus and pop-up stopper. I am running the windows XP firewall for the past 7 months -- Other than the fact that my endnote and microsoft word programs constantly crash while I'm writing, there don't seem to be any other problems. I am able to send mail from the programs. Anyone have any ideas on this???