Can you send mail? You are receiving mail, even though, it's being dumped in
the wrong folder. If you can receive and send mail, that pretty well
eliminates account setup problems. If it was dumping your mail to the Junk
Mail box I'd say you had a rule or folder problem. You may want to reinstall
The only way I could see your inablily to print having an effect on you
email was if you were having a port conflict, for some reason the SMTP server
and printer port were accessing the same port address. Very doubtful. Is
this an old printer? Is it connected to an LPT port rather than being an USB
printer as most new ones are?
Check COM and LPT Ports in Device manager and see if any confilcts exist.
Does the printer show up on the installed printer list in Control Panel,
Printers? Most problems with printers are device driver problems, not port
assignments. Again check Device Manager to see if printer has device driver
problems (especially if this is an older printer that may be using a
non-Vista compatible driver.)
My suggestion: uninstall the printer and remove it from the computer.
Address your email problems first. Eliminate the chance of conflicts. Solve
one problem ,then move on to the other.
Just as a matter of interest, if this printer IS some relic using an LPT
port, Vista allows you to change the assigned LPT ports from a drop down
list. No more having to go in and change resources assigned to a specific
port to avoid confilicts.