Cristiano said:
Steven said:
If it is not an email program then it should interface and use the
email program on your computer. [...]
Are you joking?
No, of course he isn't joking. It is you who don't seem to understand
the process of sending email. Look, in order to send email from your
computer you must have an SMTP server configured. Most people configure
this from their email client (Outlook, Outlook Express, Thunderbird,
etc.). In addition to regular email clients, certain applications may
have the ability to send an email to a designated person (usually the
system administrator) if some specific thing occurs in the program.
Examples are antivirus programs that can send an email to the system
administrator when a virus is found on a server; a UPS monitoring
program that can send an email when something goes wrong with the power.
Those programs must get the SMTP information from somewhere. If you
didn't configure the SMTP server from within your Mystery Program then
the Mystery Program is reading the information from whatever email
program configuration you set up. The Mystery Program can't magically
create SMTP server settings out of nothing.
I'm not sure what you're really trying to accomplish but if you're
uncomfortable about what your Mystery Program is doing, spend some time
looking at its configuration settings, log its traffic with your
firewall, and/or contact its tech support for help.
This is not a Windows security issue in any case.