Debs said:
How do I prevent the genuine destination e-mail address being shown
when creating an e-mail hyperlink in FrontPage 2003?
The main intent of Jimco's Spam Spoiler is to split the email address so
that it is not one string
I think doing this hides the address from the automatic spam gatherers
So instead of
<a href="mailto:
[email protected]">Email us!!</a>
<script type="text/javascript">sendEMail()</script>
Then place this in the <head>
<script type="text/javascript">
function sendEMail()
var text = 'Email us!!'
var userTo = 'anyone'
var domainTo = ''
var userCC = ''
var domainCC = ''
var userBCC = ''
var domainBCC = ''
var subject = 'Response from ' + top.document.title
var body = 'Please enter message here'
var CC = (userCC != '') ? userCC + '@' + domainCC : userCC
// Note: '' is two single quotes
var BCC = (userBCC != '') ? userBCC + '@' + domainBCC : userBCC //
Note: '' is two single quotes
( '<a href="mailto:'
+ userTo + '@' + domainTo
+ '?subject=' + subject
+ '&cc=' + CC
+ '&bcc=' + BCC
+ '&body=' + body + '">'
+ text + '</a>')
This will create the same thing as
<a href="mailto:
[email protected]">Email us!!</a>
When clicked on, it will open the email program with the return email
address entered together with a subject and some body
You have to change userTo and domainTo.
You can change subject and body as you like.
You can change userCC and domainCC if our want a CC
You can change userBCC and domainBCC if our want a BCC