Charley Kyd
I'm starting to get spam from my own domain. That is, someone is spoofing
the From to have the same domain as the To. In some messages, the From and
To are identical; I'm receiving spam from myself.
Is there any way in Outlook 2003 to identify these spoofed From addresses
and automatically dump them into the Junk directory?
By the way, I occasionally send messages to myself--particularly when I'm
traveling. So I can't merely assume that messages that I send to myself are
the From to have the same domain as the To. In some messages, the From and
To are identical; I'm receiving spam from myself.
Is there any way in Outlook 2003 to identify these spoofed From addresses
and automatically dump them into the Junk directory?
By the way, I occasionally send messages to myself--particularly when I'm
traveling. So I can't merely assume that messages that I send to myself are