email from access



I have about a month of experience with Access and zero VBA.
Building a candidate tracking database for HR department. Need help with the
following questions. Can Macros be built to do these functions?

1. Send an Email directly from Access?
2. Map a field in the record with the Email address to automatically
populate the send to field in the open message?
3. Automatically Email or attach a unique word or HTML document which is
attached to an individual record by a hyperlink?
4.Track Email activity relevant to contacts generated through Access within
the database itself?

Vincent Johns

I have about a month of experience with Access and zero VBA.
Building a candidate tracking database for HR department. Need help with the
following questions. Can Macros be built to do these functions?

1. Send an Email directly from Access?

In your Macro, use the "SendObject" Action.
2. Map a field in the record with the Email address to automatically
populate the send to field in the open message?
3. Automatically Email or attach a unique word or HTML document which is
attached to an individual record by a hyperlink?
4.Track Email activity relevant to contacts generated through Access within
the database itself?

If you want to do anything beyond what you can specify on the property
sheet of the SendObject Action, you can do it in VBA (in a Module) by
calling DoCmd.SendObject.

Even if you don't use any VBA, you could write an Append Query to record
information about an email message (time & date, TO: field, &c.) in a
Table in your database, and call that Query in your Macro (RunSQL Action
or OpenQuery Action).

-- Vincent Johns <[email protected]>
Please feel free to quote anything I say here.

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