Email formats



I often receive messages that are sent in HTML, but they come into my inbox
all garbled. I have tried several things in the mail format options, as well
as 'edit' - "edit message" format - etc etc....

This doesn't happen with all emails being sent in HTML but from a select few
people. Any suggestions on how to read them? It is so frustrating!

Diane Poremsky {MVP}

Are you BCC'd on the bad messages? It's a known issue and MS is working on a
solution. It's not publically available yet - you'll need to open a support
incident to get it.


AH..... yes I am Bcc'd. thank you. At least now I can stop trying to fix it
on my end! I will look into the microsoft fixes.

thanks very much


How do I open a support incident? I have been all over the microsoft websites
looking for info with no luck.

thanks for your help.


BSabin said:
AH..... yes I am Bcc'd. thank you. At least now I can stop trying to fix it
on my end! I will look into the microsoft fixes.

thanks very much

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