I am working in Access 2003. I am using the following code to send out an
Function SendOutlookMessage( _
strEmailAddress As String, _
strEmailCCAddress As String, _
strEmailBccAddress As String, _
strSubject As String, _
strMessage As String, _
blnDisplayMessage As Boolean, _
Optional strAttachmentFullPath As String)
Dim objApp As Outlook.Application
Dim objOutlookMsg As Outlook.MailItem
Dim objOutlookRecipient As Outlook.Recipient
Dim objOutlookAttach As Outlook.Attachment
Dim blnOutlookInitiallyOpen As Boolean
Dim strProcName As String
On Error Resume Next
strProcName = "SendOutlookMessage"
blnOutlookInitiallyOpen = True
Set objApp = GetObject(, "Outlook.Application")
If objApp Is Nothing Then
Set objApp = CreateObject("Outlook.Application")
'* Outlook wasn't open when this function started.
blnOutlookInitiallyOpen = False
End If
If Err <> 0 Then Beep: _
MsgBox "Error in " & strProcName & " (1): " _
& Err.Number & " - " & Err.Description: _
Err.Clear: _
GoTo Exit_Section
'Create the message
Set objOutlookMsg = objApp.CreateItem(olMailItem)
If Err <> 0 Then Beep: _
MsgBox "Error in " & strProcName & " (2): " _
& Err.Number & " - " & Err.Description: _
Err.Clear: _
GoTo Exit_Section
With objOutlookMsg
Set objOutlookRecipient = .Recipients.Add(strEmailAddress)
objOutlookRecipient.Type = olTo
If strEmailCCAddress = "" Then
Set objOutlookRecipient = .Recipients.Add(strEmailCCAddress)
objOutlookRecipient.Type = olCC
End If
If strEmailBccAddress = "" Then
Set objOutlookRecipient = .Recipients.Add(strEmailBccAddress)
objOutlookRecipient.Type = olBCC
End If
.subject = strSubject
.Body = strMessage
'* Add attachments
If Not IsMissing(strAttachmentFullPath) Then
If Trim(strAttachmentFullPath) = "" Then
Set objOutlookAttach = .Attachments.Add(strAttachmentFullPath)
If Err <> 0 Then Beep: _
MsgBox "Error in " & strProcName & " (3): " _
& Err.Number & " - " & Err.Description: _
Err.Clear: _
GoTo Exit_Section
End If
End If
If blnDisplayMessage Then
'* Send message by putting it in the Outbox
End If
End With
If Err <> 0 Then Beep: _
MsgBox "Error in " & strProcName & " (99): " _
& Err.Number & " - " & Err.Description: _
Err.Clear: _
GoTo Exit_Section
On Error Resume Next
If Not blnOutlookInitiallyOpen Then
End If
Set objApp = Nothing
Set objOutlookMsg = Nothing
Set objOutlookAttach = Nothing
Set objOutlookRecipient = Nothing
On Error GoTo 0
End Function
I call out the function in a query and need to change who the email is sent
to depending on where in the work flow the user is at. When I put the field
[qry4]!(e-mail address removed)
I am working in Access 2003. I am using the following code to send out an
Function SendOutlookMessage( _
strEmailAddress As String, _
strEmailCCAddress As String, _
strEmailBccAddress As String, _
strSubject As String, _
strMessage As String, _
blnDisplayMessage As Boolean, _
Optional strAttachmentFullPath As String)
Dim objApp As Outlook.Application
Dim objOutlookMsg As Outlook.MailItem
Dim objOutlookRecipient As Outlook.Recipient
Dim objOutlookAttach As Outlook.Attachment
Dim blnOutlookInitiallyOpen As Boolean
Dim strProcName As String
On Error Resume Next
strProcName = "SendOutlookMessage"
blnOutlookInitiallyOpen = True
Set objApp = GetObject(, "Outlook.Application")
If objApp Is Nothing Then
Set objApp = CreateObject("Outlook.Application")
'* Outlook wasn't open when this function started.
blnOutlookInitiallyOpen = False
End If
If Err <> 0 Then Beep: _
MsgBox "Error in " & strProcName & " (1): " _
& Err.Number & " - " & Err.Description: _
Err.Clear: _
GoTo Exit_Section
'Create the message
Set objOutlookMsg = objApp.CreateItem(olMailItem)
If Err <> 0 Then Beep: _
MsgBox "Error in " & strProcName & " (2): " _
& Err.Number & " - " & Err.Description: _
Err.Clear: _
GoTo Exit_Section
With objOutlookMsg
Set objOutlookRecipient = .Recipients.Add(strEmailAddress)
objOutlookRecipient.Type = olTo
If strEmailCCAddress = "" Then
Set objOutlookRecipient = .Recipients.Add(strEmailCCAddress)
objOutlookRecipient.Type = olCC
End If
If strEmailBccAddress = "" Then
Set objOutlookRecipient = .Recipients.Add(strEmailBccAddress)
objOutlookRecipient.Type = olBCC
End If
.subject = strSubject
.Body = strMessage
'* Add attachments
If Not IsMissing(strAttachmentFullPath) Then
If Trim(strAttachmentFullPath) = "" Then
Set objOutlookAttach = .Attachments.Add(strAttachmentFullPath)
If Err <> 0 Then Beep: _
MsgBox "Error in " & strProcName & " (3): " _
& Err.Number & " - " & Err.Description: _
Err.Clear: _
GoTo Exit_Section
End If
End If
If blnDisplayMessage Then
'* Send message by putting it in the Outbox
End If
End With
If Err <> 0 Then Beep: _
MsgBox "Error in " & strProcName & " (99): " _
& Err.Number & " - " & Err.Description: _
Err.Clear: _
GoTo Exit_Section
On Error Resume Next
If Not blnOutlookInitiallyOpen Then
End If
Set objApp = Nothing
Set objOutlookMsg = Nothing
Set objOutlookAttach = Nothing
Set objOutlookRecipient = Nothing
On Error GoTo 0
End Function
I call out the function in a query and need to change who the email is sent
to depending on where in the work flow the user is at. When I put the field
[qry4]!(e-mail address removed)