martymonty said:
Does anyone know if its possible with outlook express to have an auto
reply for when your on vacation, that would reply to anyone while your
away that you won't be answering them and problaby not best to keep
emailing you because you will be away till a certain time. any help
would be aprreciated! thanks
This isn't supported on OE, though you might be able to write a rule for it.
This is normally a corporate server-based feature, and the reply goes out
only once per sender, which isn't so easy to put in an OE rule.
There are a number of reasons why this isn't a good idea, including the fact
that if you "reply to anyone" what you will do is confirm your address to
spammers and phishers. And, that you're not checking your mail, so right
now would be a good time to try password hacks on your accounts.....
In OE, as well, your PC *must be turned on and logged in with mail running
at all times* for this to work, so you are also paying unnecessary energy
costs and exposing your system to unmonitored use.
It's much better to send a pre-emptive OutOfOffice announcement mail
yourself to those you want to know, and ignore the rest. Clean up your
server mailbox before you go to help avoid it being filled, and turn OFF
your PC and router and modem.