Email and Fax a Report

  • Thread starter Thread starter Jacinda
  • Start date Start date


I have asked a similar question before, but my previous inqury was dealing
with fax only... Here is what I'm trying to do:

We would like to electronically send acknowledgements for our orders, either
by e-mail or by fax depending on the customer information (If e-mail is null
then fax) Okay, so right now I have a button that will do that on an
individual basis depending upon which client I pull up.
What I would like to do is a batch of acknowledgements...I'm willing to just
work with e-mail for right now and print the one's with a fax but I'm hitting
an error.-

Here is my code:
Private Sub Report_Open(Cancel As Integer)

On Error GoTo ProcError

Dim db As DAO.Database
Dim rs As DAO.Recordset

Set db = CurrentDb()
Set re = db.OpenRecordset("QAcknowledgement", dbOpenSnapshot)
With rs
Do Until (.EOF Or .BOF) = True
DoCmd.OpenReport "racknowledgment2", acViewNormal, _
"custno = " & rs("custno")
End With

On Error Resume Next
rs.Close: Set rs = Nothing
db.Close: Set db = Nothing
Exit Sub

MsgBox "Error" & Err.Number & ": " & Err.Description, _
vbCritical, "Error in Test subroutine..."
Resume ExitProc

End Sub

The error I get is "compile error: sub or function not defined"

And once again the need for an ACCESS-OUTLOOK INTEGRATION subgroup raises its
head...please vote for it...

Now to the response....

1) Its odd that you would have it in the Report_Open event. It will only
delay the report opening as the code executes. If you spin it out to a
Module, you'll be better off in the long run as there's then the potential to
reuse it

2.) You may want to use a more descriptive label for the Error Label. I
always go with the tried and true Err_[Procedure Name] same thing for the
Exit label. But that's just me.

3) You're SETting a variable named 're' but referencing 'rs'. Shame, shame.
I would recommend including OPTION EXPLICIT in all of your modules as it will
catch typos like that. (DIM rs as DAO.Recordset BTW).

4) (.EOF Or .BOF) doesn't make any sense if your using .MoveNext in a DO
UNTIL since it will be true on the first record and then keep looping till
..EOF. Personally I'm in the habit of using

While Not rs.EOF

5) Opening a report in a loop seems odd, especially from another report.
What does. What does 'racknowledgment2' actually do? To me it would make more
sense to open it, print it or print to your FAX. Since I don't know how
you're faxing things out, I can't elaborate further. However, when it comes
to sending an email, try this in its own procedure. Its something that I
posted for another user that needed to send an email along with attachments.
If you're not sending attachments, just delete the code that i've marked with

In terms of structuring your code to loop through the records, you've got
the baisc loop down, it'd just be a matter of passing the relevant
information to the sub below. By placing the sub on its own, it will allow
you to reuse it again and again in any number of circumstances such as
sending a manual confirmation if somebody calls in requesting on or if you're
loop craps out.

Speaking of which, if I were sending emails in batch, I'd be inclined to
having something in place that captures the Date/Time the email was sent and
whether or not the code crapped out. That way you'll know if an email wasn't
generated and can resend it if needed. Of course, you wont actually know if
the email was delivered or crapped out due to a bad address, server problems,
or whatnot. (But you might want to set up a specific email account to use as
the .FROM so that any crap out messages are sent to it. I think that there's
a way that you can specify a REPLY address so that when the user does REPLY
the response doesn't go to the .FROM address. (That's a question for the
Outlook newsgroup or Google it.)

By the way, did I mention that I really believe that there should be a
Access-Outlook Integration Subgroup for questions like this?

sub createOutlookMailItem

Dim objOutlook As Outlook.Application
Dim newMail As MailItem

Set objOutlook = CreateObject("Outlook.application")
Set newMail = objOutlook.CreateItem(olMailItem)

newMail.To = "(e-mail address removed)"
newMail.Body = "The Office ribbon sucks like Dvorak"

'ATTCH Start
Set newMailAttachments = newMail.Attachments

'If you're pulling records from a file, you'd start the loop here
changing the next
'line to file1 = rs("fieldName") or whichever way you prefer to pull the
value from
'the recordset you're working with, this code was done as a
'so I used the file1 variable just to make the next line easier to read
it can
'be eliminated if needed
'I would definately check to see if the file exists first using the
FileExists property
'of the File System Object
'Set fs = CreateObject("Scripting.FileSystemObject")
'If FileExists fails, you could then present the CommonDialog to give
the users
'the option of searching for the file themselves (see for that
aspect of

file1 = strTargetFolder & "\rptConfirmation.snp"
newMailAttachments.Add file1, olByValue, 1

'end the loop here
'ATTCH end

newMail.Subject = "Documents Confirmation"
newMail.OriginatorDeliveryReportRequested = True
newMail.ReadReceiptRequested = True

'ATTCH Set newMailAttachments = Nothing
Set newMail = Nothing
Set objOutlook = Nothing

end sub

You may also want to check out the .SaveSentMessageFolder property as it
would allow you to have the sent messages saved in a specific folder - either
at the user level or in a public folder.