Hi - I wish to email an Excel attachment from Access and have been trying to
do so with SendObject. The email sends ok but there is no attachment.
n.b. The email below is for example only
Anyone know what is wrong with my code?
Function email()
myAttachment = "D:\AAA\ASX\Yahoo\Intraday Report.xls"
myEmail = "(e-mail address removed)"
DoCmd.SendObject , myAttachment, "", myEmail, "", "", "Intraday Update",
"Intraday Update", False, ""
End Function
do so with SendObject. The email sends ok but there is no attachment.
n.b. The email below is for example only
Anyone know what is wrong with my code?
Function email()
myAttachment = "D:\AAA\ASX\Yahoo\Intraday Report.xls"
myEmail = "(e-mail address removed)"
DoCmd.SendObject , myAttachment, "", myEmail, "", "", "Intraday Update",
"Intraday Update", False, ""
End Function