killah said:
Aloha from Hawaii,have you gotten an answer.I'm having the same problem
Hello and Aloha,
Unfortunately i'm in a place where we see snow at least 5 months a year !!
OK. Before you can start sendinf e-mail, you need to set up an account with
windows Mail, AOL or whichever, and before you can do that you need the
following infos which are provided for by your internet service
provider(ISP) :
1.Your e-mail address, such as (e-mail address removed)
2.Your e-mail server name. Either POP3 or IMAP
3.Your in-coming e-mail server name, it should start with POP.(example).com
4.Your out going e-mail server name, it should start with SMTP.(example).com
5. Your e-mail username, which usually is same as your e-mail address.
6.Your password.
All those are to be provided for by you ISP. So, call them. Once you have
those infos, you can then set up your account with Windows Mail, AOL, or