Email address exist

  • Thread starter Thread starter Germán Noceti
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Germán Noceti

Anybody knows if the Framework provides a class to verify the email address
that some one enters ? I mean, I would like to verify if that email address

Thank you
What you mean about "right MX records" ?

I think ther are some thirty part components that perform this action, but
all of them are free to try.

Thank you,
I think ther are some thirty part components that perform this action, but
Yes there are, but as you said.
What you mean about "right MX records" ?
Do you know what dns MX record is ?

Another thing:
If you don't have domain name registered for that machine what check email
address, you can't get right answer from some servers.
Some servers check your host IP and computer name, if they won't match, no
smtp connection is allowed.
(This stuff applies to comercail components too)

there is no way, how to check if the e-mail address exists. The reason is
that e-mail protocol does not support such feature. As mentioned below, it is
only possible to check if the SERVER exists by pinging it (it may not work
always) or trying to open its SMTP port (25) - some SMTP server SHOULD
support "RCPT TO:" command which validates the address, but it is not 100%.

So first check e-mail address format using regular expression which you can
find with google and then try to communicate with SMTP server
( is a good example for PHP,
but you can reimplement it for .NET.

support "RCPT TO:" command which validates the address, but it is not 100%.
Yes, but these servers who reject rcpt to works, these addresses are
validated ok.
This is very helpful to filter out non exsitent addresses.