Else Without If

  • Thread starter Thread starter tmort
  • Start date Start date


I have some code that I've switched from ADO to DAO. Now I'm getting an Else
without if error at:


'written by Crystal
'(e-mail address removed)

'NEEDS reference to Microsoft DAO Library

' ExportDelimitedText "QueryName", "c:\path\filename.csv"
' testexport("process export qry",mPathAndFile)
'set up error handler

On Error GoTo ExportDelimitedText_error

I thought I might ghave accidentally deleted an if or something while I was
doing my editing, but, I'm not finding any extra elses or missing ifs

Here's the code:

Function compexport()

Dim stto As String
Dim stcc As String
Dim stsubject As String
Dim ststartDate As String
Dim stenddate As String
Dim stfrmt As String
Dim stconame As String
Dim stmessage As String
Dim stnoto As String
Dim stnodate As String
Dim stnoconame As String
Dim stpermnumber As String
Dim ststartdateatt As String
Dim stenddateatt As String
Dim mPathAndFile As String, mFileNumber As Integer
Dim R As Recordset, mFieldNum As Integer
Dim mOutputString As String
Dim booDelimitFields As Boolean
Dim booIncludeFieldnames As Boolean
Dim mFieldDeli As String
Dim pbooIncludeFieldnames As String
Dim stendate As String
Dim pfilename As String
Dim precordsetname As String

Dim pbooDelimitFields As Boolean
Dim pFieldDeli As String

Dim oApp As Object, outApp As Object, objOutlook As Object, outmsg As
Object, olmailitem As Object

Dim oexcel As Object
'Dim osheet As Worksheet
Dim osheet As Object
'Dim rngToFormat As Range
Dim rngToFormat As Object

stconame = Nz([Forms]![export form]![coname], "none")
ststartDate = Nz([Forms]![export form]![begin], "none")
ststartdateatt = Replace(ststartDate, "/", "-")
stenddate = Nz([Forms]![export form]![end], "none")
stenddateatt = Replace(stenddate, "/", "-")
stpermnumber = Nz([Forms]![export form]![cmbpermnumber], "none")
stfrmt = DLookup("[Comp_format]", "export format settings")
stsubject = stconame & " " & "Compliance Sampling Data" & " " & ststartDate
& " " & "to" & " " & stenddate
stto = Nz([Forms]![export form]![to], "none")
stcc = Nz([Forms]![export form]![cc], "")
stmessage = Nz([Forms]![export form]![Message], "")
stnoto = "You forgot to enter a Send To email address"
stnodate = "You must enter a beginning and ending date for the data you wish
to export"
stnoconame = "You forgot to enter a company name"

pbooIncludeFieldnames = "true"

If stto = "none" Then

MsgBox stnoto

Exit Function


If stconame = "none" Then

MsgBox stnoconame

Exit Function


If ststartDate = "none" Then

MsgBox stnodate

Exit Function


If stendate = "none" Then

MsgBox stnodate

Exit Function


If stfrmt = "acFormatXLS" Then

'DoCmd.SendObject acSendQuery, "compliance export qry", acFormatXLS, [stto],
[stcc], , stconame & " " & "Compliance Sampling Data" & " " & ststartDate & "
" & "to" & " " & stenddate, [stmessage], False

pfilename = stconame & " P" & stpermnumber & " " & ststartdateatt & " to " &
stenddateatt & " Compliance Data.xls"

MsgBox CurrentProject.Path & "\" & pfilename

DoCmd.OutputTo acOutputQuery, "compliance export qry", acFormatXLS,
CurrentProject.Path & "\" & pfilename, 0

'DoCmd.OutputTo acOutputQuery, "compliance export qry", acFormatXLS,
CurrentProject.Path & "\" & "test.xls", 0

'DoCmd.TransferSpreadsheet acExport, , "compliance export qry",
CurrentProject.Path & "\" & pFilename, True
'DoCmd.TransferSpreadsheet acImport, 3,"Employees","C:\Lotus\Newemps.wk3",
True, "A1:G12"

mPathAndFile = CurrentProject.Path & "\" & pfilename


'Set oapp = CreateObject("Excel.Application")
Set oApp = CreateObject("Excel.Application")
Set oexcel = oApp.Workbooks.Open(Filename:=mPathAndFile)
Set osheet = oexcel.Worksheets("compliance export qry")

oApp.Visible = False
oApp.DisplayAlerts = False

With oexcel.Worksheets("compliance export qry").Columns


End With

With oexcel.Worksheets("compliance export qry").PageSetup
..Zoom = False
..FitToPagesTall = 1000
..FitToPagesWide = 1
..Orientation = 2
..PrintGridlines = 0
..PrintTitleRows = "A1:S1"
'.LeftHeader =
..CenterHeader = "&14" & pfilename & "&10"
'.RightHeader =
..LeftFooter = "Report Created &D &T"
'.CenterFooter =
..RightFooter = "Page &P of &N"

..LeftMargin = oApp.InchesToPoints(0.25)
..RightMargin = oApp.InchesToPoints(0.25)
..TopMargin = oApp.InchesToPoints(0.75)
..BottomMargin = oApp.InchesToPoints(0.5)
..HeaderMargin = oApp.InchesToPoints(0.5)
..FooterMargin = oApp.InchesToPoints(0.25)

End With

With osheet.Range("A1:S1")
Set rngToFormat = osheet.Range(oexcel.Worksheets("compliance export
qry").Range("S1"), .Cells(osheet.Rows.Count, "C").end(-4162).Offset(0, -2)) '

End With

With rngToFormat.Cells.Select

'No Borders

'oapp.Selection.Interior.ColorIndex = 2
'oapp.Selection.Interior.Pattern = xlSolid
'oapp.Selection.Borders(xlDiagonalDown).LineStyle = xlNone
'oapp.Selection.Borders(xlDiagonalUp).LineStyle = xlNone
'oapp.Selection.Borders(xlEdgeLeft).LineStyle = xlNone
'oapp.Selection.Borders(xlEdgeTop).LineStyle = xlNone
'oapp.Selection.Borders(xlEdgeBottom).LineStyle = xlNone
'oapp.Selection.Borders(xlEdgeRight).LineStyle = xlNone
'oapp.Selection.Borders(xlInsideVertical).LineStyle = xlNone
'oapp.Selection.Borders(xlInsideHorizontal).LineStyle = xlNone
'oapp.Selection.Interior.ColorIndex = xlNone

'End With

'With borders

oApp.Selection.Interior.ColorIndex = 2
oApp.Selection.Interior.Pattern = 1

With oApp.Selection.Borders(5)
'.xlDiagonalDown = 5
.LineStyle = -4142
End With
With oApp.Selection.Borders(6)
.LineStyle = -4142
End With
With oApp.Selection.Borders(7)
.LineStyle = 1
.Weight = 2
.ColorIndex = -4105
End With
With oApp.Selection.Borders(8)
.LineStyle = 1
.Weight = 2
.ColorIndex = -4105
End With
With oApp.Selection.Borders(9)
.LineStyle = 1
.Weight = 2
.ColorIndex = -4105
End With
With oApp.Selection.Borders(10)
.LineStyle = 1
.Weight = 2
.ColorIndex = -4105
End With
With oApp.Selection.Borders(11)
.LineStyle = 1
.Weight = 2
.ColorIndex = -4105
End With
With oApp.Selection.Borders(12)
.LineStyle = 1
.Weight = 2
.ColorIndex = -4105
End With

With osheet.Range("A1:S1")
..Font.ColorIndex = 1
..Font.Bold = -1
..Interior.ColorIndex = 15
..Interior.Pattern = 1
End With

Set osheet = Nothing 'disconnect from the Worksheet
oexcel.Close SaveChanges:=True 'Save (and disconnect from) the Workbook

' old quit code
'Set oexcel = Nothing
'oApp.Quit 'Close (and disconnect from) Excel
'Set oApp = Nothing

oApp.Application.Quit 'Close (and disconnect from)
Set oexcel = Nothing
Set oApp = Nothing


Set outApp = CreateObject("Outlook.Application")
Set outmsg = outApp.CreateItem(olmailitem)

If stcc = "" Then

With outmsg

.Recipients.Add (stto)
.subject = stsubject
.ReadReceiptRequested = -1
.body = stmessage
.Importance = 2
.Attachments.Add (mPathAndFile)

End With


With outmsg

.Recipients.Add(stto).Type = 1
.Recipients.Add(stcc).Type = 2
.subject = stsubject
.ReadReceiptRequested = -1
.body = stmessage
.Importance = 2
.Attachments.Add (mPathAndFile)

End With

End If

Kill mPathAndFile


'written by Crystal
'(e-mail address removed)

'NEEDS reference to Microsoft DAO Library

' ExportDelimitedText "QueryName", "c:\path\filename.csv"
' testexport("process export qry",mPathAndFile)
'set up error handler

On Error GoTo ExportDelimitedText_error

pfilename = stconame & " P" & stpermnumber & " " & ststartdateatt & " to
" & stenddateatt & " Compliance Data.txt"

precordsetname = "SELECT Results.[Company Name] AS [Sample Name],
Results.[Outfall Number] AS OFN, Results.[Collection Date] AS [Sample Date],
Samples.CollectionEndDate AS Expr2, Samples.[Sample Type] AS Composite,
Results.Sampler AS [Sampled by], Results.[Date Lab Received] AS [Received
Date], Results.[Analysis Date], '""' AS Expr3, Results.[Method ID] AS Method,
Results.[Method Description] AS Expr4, Results.Analyte AS Parameter,
Results.Result, '""' AS Expr5, Results.Units, Results.[Reporting Limit] AS
Expr1, '""' AS [Detection Limit], Results.[Lab Sample ID] AS [Lab Number],
Results.[Lab Name] AS Expr7" & Chr(13) _
& "FROM (Samples RIGHT JOIN Results ON
(Samples.[Compliance Sample] = Results.[Compliance Sample]) AND
(Samples.Sampler = Results.Sampler) AND (Samples.[Collection Date] =
Results.[Collection Date]) AND (Samples.[Outfall Number] = Results.[Outfall
Number])) LEFT JOIN [Results and Limits] ON Results.ID = [Results and
Limits].ID" & Chr(13) _
& "GROUP BY Results.[Company Name], Results.[Outfall
Number], Results.[Collection Date], Samples.CollectionEndDate,
Samples.[Sample Type], Results.Sampler, Results.[Date Lab Received],
Results.[Analysis Date], '""', Results.[Method ID], Results.[Method
Description], Results.Analyte, Results.Result, '""', Results.Units,
Results.[Reporting Limit], '""', Results.[Lab Sample ID], Results.[Lab Name],
Results.[Compliance Sample]" & Chr(13) _
& "HAVING (((Results.[Collection Date]) Between #" &
[Forms]![export form]![begin] & "# And #" & [Forms]![export form]![end] & "#)
AND ((Results.Sampler)=""IU"") AND ((Results.[Compliance Sample])=Yes)) ORDER
BY Results.[Collection Date];"

booDelimitFields = Nz(pbooDelimitFields, False)
booIncludeFieldnames = Nz(pbooIncludeFieldnames, False)

'make the delimiter a TAB character unless specified
If Nz(pFieldDeli, "") = "" Then
mFieldDeli = Chr(9)
mFieldDeli = pFieldDeli
End If

'if there is no path specfied, put file in current directory
If InStr(pfilename, "\") = 0 Then
mPathAndFile = CurrentProject.Path
mPathAndFile = ""
End If

mPathAndFile = mPathAndFile & "\" & pfilename

'if there is no extension specified, add TXT
If InStr(pfilename, ".") = 0 Then
mPathAndFile = mPathAndFile & ".txt"
End If

'get a handle
mFileNumber = FreeFile

'close file handle if it is open
'ignore any error from trying to close it if it is not
On Error Resume Next
Close #mFileNumber
On Error GoTo ExportDelimitedText_error

'delete the output file if already exists
If Dir(mPathAndFile) <> "" Then
Kill mPathAndFile
End If

'open file for output
Open mPathAndFile For Output As #mFileNumber

'open the recordset
Set R = CurrentDb.OpenRecordset(precordsetname)

'write fieldnames if specified
If booIncludeFieldnames Then
mOutputString = ""
For mFieldNum = 0 To R.Fields.Count - 1
If booDelimitFields Then
mOutputString = mOutputString & """" _
& R.Fields(mFieldNum) & """" & mFieldDeli
mOutputString = mOutputString _
& R.Fields(mFieldNum).name & mFieldDeli
End If
Next mFieldNum

'remove last delimiter
mOutputString = Left(mOutputString, Len(mOutputString) -

'write a line to the file
Print #mFileNumber, mOutputString
End If

'loop through all records
Do While Not R.EOF()

'tell OS (Operating System) to pay attention to things
mOutputString = ""
For mFieldNum = 0 To R.Fields.Count - 1
If booDelimitFields Then
Select Case R.Fields(mFieldNum).Type
Case 10, 12
mOutputString = mOutputString & """" _
& R.Fields(mFieldNum) & """" & mFieldDeli
Case 8
mOutputString = mOutputString & "#" _
& R.Fields(mFieldNum) & "#" & mFieldDeli
Case Else
mOutputString = mOutputString _
& R.Fields(mFieldNum) & mFieldDeli
End Select
mOutputString = mOutputString & R.Fields(mFieldNum) & mFieldDeli
End If

Next mFieldNum

'remove last TAB
mOutputString = Left(mOutputString, Len(mOutputString) -

'write a line to the file
Print #mFileNumber, mOutputString

'move to next record

'close the file
Close #mFileNumber

'close the recordset

'release object variables
Set R = Nothing

'Dim outmsg As Object
'Dim Item As Outlook.MailItem

'Dim objMe As Object

Set outApp = CreateObject("Outlook.Application")
Set outmsg = outApp.CreateItem(olmailitem)

If stcc = "" Then

With outmsg

.Recipients.Add (stto)
.subject = stsubject
.ReadReceiptRequested = True
.body = stmessage
.Importance = 2
.Attachments.Add (mPathAndFile)

End With


With outmsg

.Recipients.Add(stto).Type = 1
.Recipients.Add(stcc).Type = 2
.subject = stsubject
.ReadReceiptRequested = -1
.body = stmessage
.Importance = 2
.Attachments.Add (mPathAndFile)

End With

End If

Kill mPathAndFile

Exit Function

'MsgBox Err.Description, , "ERROR " & Err.Number & " ExportDelimitedText"
MsgBox Err.Description, , "ERROR " & Err.Number & " testxport"
'press F8 to step through code and correct problem

End If
End If
End If
End If
End If

End Function
tmort said:
I have some code that I've switched from ADO to DAO. Now I'm getting an
without if error at:

Wow, that is a LOT of code and I wouldn't expect anyone to wade through that
lot on here. Have you considered simplifying it by chopping it up into
functions? It would almost certainly make it easier to follow and debug.

Just my 2p worth.

There is no If for the Else you posted at the top of your post.
Dave Hargis, Microsoft Access MVP

tmort said:
I have some code that I've switched from ADO to DAO. Now I'm getting an Else
without if error at:


'written by Crystal
'(e-mail address removed)

'NEEDS reference to Microsoft DAO Library

' ExportDelimitedText "QueryName", "c:\path\filename.csv"
' testexport("process export qry",mPathAndFile)
'set up error handler

On Error GoTo ExportDelimitedText_error

I thought I might ghave accidentally deleted an if or something while I was
doing my editing, but, I'm not finding any extra elses or missing ifs

Here's the code:

Function compexport()

Dim stto As String
Dim stcc As String
Dim stsubject As String
Dim ststartDate As String
Dim stenddate As String
Dim stfrmt As String
Dim stconame As String
Dim stmessage As String
Dim stnoto As String
Dim stnodate As String
Dim stnoconame As String
Dim stpermnumber As String
Dim ststartdateatt As String
Dim stenddateatt As String
Dim mPathAndFile As String, mFileNumber As Integer
Dim R As Recordset, mFieldNum As Integer
Dim mOutputString As String
Dim booDelimitFields As Boolean
Dim booIncludeFieldnames As Boolean
Dim mFieldDeli As String
Dim pbooIncludeFieldnames As String
Dim stendate As String
Dim pfilename As String
Dim precordsetname As String

Dim pbooDelimitFields As Boolean
Dim pFieldDeli As String

Dim oApp As Object, outApp As Object, objOutlook As Object, outmsg As
Object, olmailitem As Object

Dim oexcel As Object
'Dim osheet As Worksheet
Dim osheet As Object
'Dim rngToFormat As Range
Dim rngToFormat As Object

stconame = Nz([Forms]![export form]![coname], "none")
ststartDate = Nz([Forms]![export form]![begin], "none")
ststartdateatt = Replace(ststartDate, "/", "-")
stenddate = Nz([Forms]![export form]![end], "none")
stenddateatt = Replace(stenddate, "/", "-")
stpermnumber = Nz([Forms]![export form]![cmbpermnumber], "none")
stfrmt = DLookup("[Comp_format]", "export format settings")
stsubject = stconame & " " & "Compliance Sampling Data" & " " & ststartDate
& " " & "to" & " " & stenddate
stto = Nz([Forms]![export form]![to], "none")
stcc = Nz([Forms]![export form]![cc], "")
stmessage = Nz([Forms]![export form]![Message], "")
stnoto = "You forgot to enter a Send To email address"
stnodate = "You must enter a beginning and ending date for the data you wish
to export"
stnoconame = "You forgot to enter a company name"

pbooIncludeFieldnames = "true"

If stto = "none" Then

MsgBox stnoto

Exit Function


If stconame = "none" Then

MsgBox stnoconame

Exit Function


If ststartDate = "none" Then

MsgBox stnodate

Exit Function


If stendate = "none" Then

MsgBox stnodate

Exit Function


If stfrmt = "acFormatXLS" Then

'DoCmd.SendObject acSendQuery, "compliance export qry", acFormatXLS, [stto],
[stcc], , stconame & " " & "Compliance Sampling Data" & " " & ststartDate & "
" & "to" & " " & stenddate, [stmessage], False

pfilename = stconame & " P" & stpermnumber & " " & ststartdateatt & " to " &
stenddateatt & " Compliance Data.xls"

MsgBox CurrentProject.Path & "\" & pfilename

DoCmd.OutputTo acOutputQuery, "compliance export qry", acFormatXLS,
CurrentProject.Path & "\" & pfilename, 0

'DoCmd.OutputTo acOutputQuery, "compliance export qry", acFormatXLS,
CurrentProject.Path & "\" & "test.xls", 0

'DoCmd.TransferSpreadsheet acExport, , "compliance export qry",
CurrentProject.Path & "\" & pFilename, True
'DoCmd.TransferSpreadsheet acImport, 3,"Employees","C:\Lotus\Newemps.wk3",
True, "A1:G12"

mPathAndFile = CurrentProject.Path & "\" & pfilename


'Set oapp = CreateObject("Excel.Application")
Set oApp = CreateObject("Excel.Application")
Set oexcel = oApp.Workbooks.Open(Filename:=mPathAndFile)
Set osheet = oexcel.Worksheets("compliance export qry")

oApp.Visible = False
oApp.DisplayAlerts = False

With oexcel.Worksheets("compliance export qry").Columns


End With

With oexcel.Worksheets("compliance export qry").PageSetup
.Zoom = False
.FitToPagesTall = 1000
.FitToPagesWide = 1
.Orientation = 2
.PrintGridlines = 0
.PrintTitleRows = "A1:S1"
'.LeftHeader =
.CenterHeader = "&14" & pfilename & "&10"
'.RightHeader =
.LeftFooter = "Report Created &D &T"
'.CenterFooter =
.RightFooter = "Page &P of &N"

.LeftMargin = oApp.InchesToPoints(0.25)
.RightMargin = oApp.InchesToPoints(0.25)
.TopMargin = oApp.InchesToPoints(0.75)
.BottomMargin = oApp.InchesToPoints(0.5)
.HeaderMargin = oApp.InchesToPoints(0.5)
.FooterMargin = oApp.InchesToPoints(0.25)

End With

With osheet.Range("A1:S1")
Set rngToFormat = osheet.Range(oexcel.Worksheets("compliance export
qry").Range("S1"), .Cells(osheet.Rows.Count, "C").end(-4162).Offset(0, -2)) '

End With

With rngToFormat.Cells.Select

'No Borders

'oapp.Selection.Interior.ColorIndex = 2
'oapp.Selection.Interior.Pattern = xlSolid
'oapp.Selection.Borders(xlDiagonalDown).LineStyle = xlNone
'oapp.Selection.Borders(xlDiagonalUp).LineStyle = xlNone
'oapp.Selection.Borders(xlEdgeLeft).LineStyle = xlNone
'oapp.Selection.Borders(xlEdgeTop).LineStyle = xlNone
'oapp.Selection.Borders(xlEdgeBottom).LineStyle = xlNone
'oapp.Selection.Borders(xlEdgeRight).LineStyle = xlNone
'oapp.Selection.Borders(xlInsideVertical).LineStyle = xlNone
'oapp.Selection.Borders(xlInsideHorizontal).LineStyle = xlNone
'oapp.Selection.Interior.ColorIndex = xlNone

'End With

'With borders

oApp.Selection.Interior.ColorIndex = 2
oApp.Selection.Interior.Pattern = 1

With oApp.Selection.Borders(5)
'.xlDiagonalDown = 5
.LineStyle = -4142
End With
With oApp.Selection.Borders(6)
.LineStyle = -4142
End With
With oApp.Selection.Borders(7)
.LineStyle = 1
.Weight = 2
.ColorIndex = -4105
End With
With oApp.Selection.Borders(8)
.LineStyle = 1
.Weight = 2
.ColorIndex = -4105
End With
With oApp.Selection.Borders(9)
.LineStyle = 1
.Weight = 2
.ColorIndex = -4105
End With
With oApp.Selection.Borders(10)
.LineStyle = 1
.Weight = 2
.ColorIndex = -4105
End With
With oApp.Selection.Borders(11)
.LineStyle = 1
.Weight = 2
.ColorIndex = -4105
End With
With oApp.Selection.Borders(12)
.LineStyle = 1
.Weight = 2
.ColorIndex = -4105
End With

With osheet.Range("A1:S1")
.Font.ColorIndex = 1
.Font.Bold = -1
.Interior.ColorIndex = 15
.Interior.Pattern = 1
End With

Set osheet = Nothing 'disconnect from the Worksheet
oexcel.Close SaveChanges:=True 'Save (and disconnect from) the Workbook

' old quit code
'Set oexcel = Nothing
'oApp.Quit 'Close (and disconnect from) Excel
'Set oApp = Nothing

oApp.Application.Quit 'Close (and disconnect from)
Set oexcel = Nothing
Set oApp = Nothing


Set outApp = CreateObject("Outlook.Application")
Set outmsg = outApp.CreateItem(olmailitem)
I thought it was:

If stfrmt = "acFormatXLS" Then

Here's the code with a lot of the non-ifs removed.

Function compexport()

If stto = "none" Then

MsgBox stnoto

Exit Function


If stconame = "none" Then

MsgBox stnoconame

Exit Function


If ststartDate = "none" Then

MsgBox stnodate

Exit Function


If stendate = "none" Then

MsgBox stnodate

Exit Function


If stfrmt = "acFormatXLS" Then


If stcc = "" Then

With outmsg

.Recipients.Add (stto)
.subject = stsubject
.ReadReceiptRequested = -1
.body = stmessage
.Importance = 2
.Attachments.Add (mPathAndFile)

End With


With outmsg

.Recipients.Add(stto).Type = 1
.Recipients.Add(stcc).Type = 2
.subject = stsubject
.ReadReceiptRequested = -1
.body = stmessage
.Importance = 2
.Attachments.Add (mPathAndFile)

End With

End If


Kill mPathAndFile


'written by Crystal
'(e-mail address removed)

'NEEDS reference to Microsoft DAO Library

' ExportDelimitedText "QueryName", "c:\path\filename.csv"
' testexport("process export qry",mPathAndFile)
'set up error handler

On Error GoTo ExportDelimitedText_error

pfilename = stconame & " P" & stpermnumber & " " & ststartdateatt & " to
" & stenddateatt & " Compliance Data.txt"


If Nz(pFieldDeli, "") = "" Then
mFieldDeli = Chr(9)
mFieldDeli = pFieldDeli
End If

'if there is no path specfied, put file in current directory
If InStr(pfilename, "\") = 0 Then
mPathAndFile = CurrentProject.Path
mPathAndFile = ""
End If

mPathAndFile = mPathAndFile & "\" & pfilename

'if there is no extension specified, add TXT
If InStr(pfilename, ".") = 0 Then
mPathAndFile = mPathAndFile & ".txt"
End If


If Dir(mPathAndFile) <> "" Then
Kill mPathAndFile
End If

If booIncludeFieldnames Then
mOutputString = ""
For mFieldNum = 0 To R.Fields.Count - 1
If booDelimitFields Then
mOutputString = mOutputString & """" _
& R.Fields(mFieldNum) & """" & mFieldDeli
mOutputString = mOutputString _
& R.Fields(mFieldNum).name & mFieldDeli
End If
Next mFieldNum

'remove last delimiter
mOutputString = Left(mOutputString, Len(mOutputString) -

'write a line to the file
Print #mFileNumber, mOutputString
End If


If booDelimitFields Then
Select Case R.Fields(mFieldNum).Type
Case 10, 12
mOutputString = mOutputString & """" _
& R.Fields(mFieldNum) & """" & mFieldDeli
Case 8
mOutputString = mOutputString & "#" _
& R.Fields(mFieldNum) & "#" & mFieldDeli
Case Else
mOutputString = mOutputString _
& R.Fields(mFieldNum) & mFieldDeli
End Select
mOutputString = mOutputString & R.Fields(mFieldNum) & mFieldDeli
End If

If stcc = "" Then

With outmsg

.Recipients.Add (stto)
.subject = stsubject
.ReadReceiptRequested = True
.body = stmessage
.Importance = 2
.Attachments.Add (mPathAndFile)

End With


With outmsg

.Recipients.Add(stto).Type = 1
.Recipients.Add(stcc).Type = 2
.subject = stsubject
.ReadReceiptRequested = -1
.body = stmessage
.Importance = 2
.Attachments.Add (mPathAndFile)

End With

End If

Kill mPathAndFile

Exit Function

End If
End If
End If
End If
End If

End Function

Klatuu said:
There is no If for the Else you posted at the top of your post.
Dave Hargis, Microsoft Access MVP

tmort said:
I have some code that I've switched from ADO to DAO. Now I'm getting an Else
without if error at:


'written by Crystal
'(e-mail address removed)

'NEEDS reference to Microsoft DAO Library

' ExportDelimitedText "QueryName", "c:\path\filename.csv"
' testexport("process export qry",mPathAndFile)
'set up error handler

On Error GoTo ExportDelimitedText_error

I thought I might ghave accidentally deleted an if or something while I was
doing my editing, but, I'm not finding any extra elses or missing ifs

Here's the code:

Function compexport()

Dim stto As String
Dim stcc As String
Dim stsubject As String
Dim ststartDate As String
Dim stenddate As String
Dim stfrmt As String
Dim stconame As String
Dim stmessage As String
Dim stnoto As String
Dim stnodate As String
Dim stnoconame As String
Dim stpermnumber As String
Dim ststartdateatt As String
Dim stenddateatt As String
Dim mPathAndFile As String, mFileNumber As Integer
Dim R As Recordset, mFieldNum As Integer
Dim mOutputString As String
Dim booDelimitFields As Boolean
Dim booIncludeFieldnames As Boolean
Dim mFieldDeli As String
Dim pbooIncludeFieldnames As String
Dim stendate As String
Dim pfilename As String
Dim precordsetname As String

Dim pbooDelimitFields As Boolean
Dim pFieldDeli As String

Dim oApp As Object, outApp As Object, objOutlook As Object, outmsg As
Object, olmailitem As Object

Dim oexcel As Object
'Dim osheet As Worksheet
Dim osheet As Object
'Dim rngToFormat As Range
Dim rngToFormat As Object

stconame = Nz([Forms]![export form]![coname], "none")
ststartDate = Nz([Forms]![export form]![begin], "none")
ststartdateatt = Replace(ststartDate, "/", "-")
stenddate = Nz([Forms]![export form]![end], "none")
stenddateatt = Replace(stenddate, "/", "-")
stpermnumber = Nz([Forms]![export form]![cmbpermnumber], "none")
stfrmt = DLookup("[Comp_format]", "export format settings")
stsubject = stconame & " " & "Compliance Sampling Data" & " " & ststartDate
& " " & "to" & " " & stenddate
stto = Nz([Forms]![export form]![to], "none")
stcc = Nz([Forms]![export form]![cc], "")
stmessage = Nz([Forms]![export form]![Message], "")
stnoto = "You forgot to enter a Send To email address"
stnodate = "You must enter a beginning and ending date for the data you wish
to export"
stnoconame = "You forgot to enter a company name"

pbooIncludeFieldnames = "true"

If stto = "none" Then

MsgBox stnoto

Exit Function


If stconame = "none" Then

MsgBox stnoconame

Exit Function


If ststartDate = "none" Then

MsgBox stnodate

Exit Function


If stendate = "none" Then

MsgBox stnodate

Exit Function


If stfrmt = "acFormatXLS" Then

'DoCmd.SendObject acSendQuery, "compliance export qry", acFormatXLS, [stto],
[stcc], , stconame & " " & "Compliance Sampling Data" & " " & ststartDate & "
" & "to" & " " & stenddate, [stmessage], False

pfilename = stconame & " P" & stpermnumber & " " & ststartdateatt & " to " &
stenddateatt & " Compliance Data.xls"

MsgBox CurrentProject.Path & "\" & pfilename

DoCmd.OutputTo acOutputQuery, "compliance export qry", acFormatXLS,
CurrentProject.Path & "\" & pfilename, 0

'DoCmd.OutputTo acOutputQuery, "compliance export qry", acFormatXLS,
CurrentProject.Path & "\" & "test.xls", 0

'DoCmd.TransferSpreadsheet acExport, , "compliance export qry",
CurrentProject.Path & "\" & pFilename, True
'DoCmd.TransferSpreadsheet acImport, 3,"Employees","C:\Lotus\Newemps.wk3",
True, "A1:G12"

mPathAndFile = CurrentProject.Path & "\" & pfilename


'Set oapp = CreateObject("Excel.Application")
Set oApp = CreateObject("Excel.Application")
Set oexcel = oApp.Workbooks.Open(Filename:=mPathAndFile)
Set osheet = oexcel.Worksheets("compliance export qry")

oApp.Visible = False
oApp.DisplayAlerts = False

With oexcel.Worksheets("compliance export qry").Columns


End With

With oexcel.Worksheets("compliance export qry").PageSetup
.Zoom = False
.FitToPagesTall = 1000
.FitToPagesWide = 1
.Orientation = 2
.PrintGridlines = 0
.PrintTitleRows = "A1:S1"
'.LeftHeader =
.CenterHeader = "&14" & pfilename & "&10"
'.RightHeader =
.LeftFooter = "Report Created &D &T"
'.CenterFooter =
.RightFooter = "Page &P of &N"

.LeftMargin = oApp.InchesToPoints(0.25)
.RightMargin = oApp.InchesToPoints(0.25)
.TopMargin = oApp.InchesToPoints(0.75)
.BottomMargin = oApp.InchesToPoints(0.5)
.HeaderMargin = oApp.InchesToPoints(0.5)
.FooterMargin = oApp.InchesToPoints(0.25)

End With

With osheet.Range("A1:S1")
Set rngToFormat = osheet.Range(oexcel.Worksheets("compliance export
qry").Range("S1"), .Cells(osheet.Rows.Count, "C").end(-4162).Offset(0, -2)) '

End With

With rngToFormat.Cells.Select

'No Borders

'oapp.Selection.Interior.ColorIndex = 2
'oapp.Selection.Interior.Pattern = xlSolid
'oapp.Selection.Borders(xlDiagonalDown).LineStyle = xlNone
'oapp.Selection.Borders(xlDiagonalUp).LineStyle = xlNone
'oapp.Selection.Borders(xlEdgeLeft).LineStyle = xlNone
'oapp.Selection.Borders(xlEdgeTop).LineStyle = xlNone
'oapp.Selection.Borders(xlEdgeBottom).LineStyle = xlNone
'oapp.Selection.Borders(xlEdgeRight).LineStyle = xlNone
'oapp.Selection.Borders(xlInsideVertical).LineStyle = xlNone
'oapp.Selection.Borders(xlInsideHorizontal).LineStyle = xlNone
'oapp.Selection.Interior.ColorIndex = xlNone

'End With

'With borders

oApp.Selection.Interior.ColorIndex = 2
oApp.Selection.Interior.Pattern = 1

With oApp.Selection.Borders(5)
'.xlDiagonalDown = 5
.LineStyle = -4142
End With
With oApp.Selection.Borders(6)
.LineStyle = -4142
End With
With oApp.Selection.Borders(7)
.LineStyle = 1
.Weight = 2
.ColorIndex = -4105
End With
With oApp.Selection.Borders(8)
.LineStyle = 1
.Weight = 2
.ColorIndex = -4105
End With
With oApp.Selection.Borders(9)
.LineStyle = 1
.Weight = 2
.ColorIndex = -4105
End With
With oApp.Selection.Borders(10)
.LineStyle = 1
.Weight = 2
.ColorIndex = -4105
End With
With oApp.Selection.Borders(11)
.LineStyle = 1
.Weight = 2
.ColorIndex = -4105
End With
With oApp.Selection.Borders(12)
.LineStyle = 1
.Weight = 2
.ColorIndex = -4105
End With

With osheet.Range("A1:S1")
.Font.ColorIndex = 1
.Font.Bold = -1
.Interior.ColorIndex = 15
.Interior.Pattern = 1
End With

Set osheet = Nothing 'disconnect from the Worksheet
oexcel.Close SaveChanges:=True 'Save (and disconnect from) the Workbook

' old quit code
'Set oexcel = Nothing
'oApp.Quit 'Close (and disconnect from) Excel
'Set oApp = Nothing

oApp.Application.Quit 'Close (and disconnect from)
Set oexcel = Nothing
Set oApp = Nothing
I have looked through your code several times. The way you have written it
makes it almost impossible to trace the relationships between the Ifs, Elses,
and End Ifs.

Rather than left aligning every lime, indenting your code makes it much
easer to read. For example:

If Not IsNull(strStagePath) Then
Me.txtStageLeft = strStagePath
MsgBox "No Stage Path"
End If

Compare to:

If Not IsNull(strStagePath) Then
Me.txtStageLeft = strStagePath
MsgBox "No Stage Path"
End If

Not too hard with only one statement, but with as much code as you have
there, it is more work that I am willing to do.

Also, you really should consider breaking this procedure into multiple
procedures. If an error occurs in your code, it will be almost impossible to
find where it failed.
I think the problem is with the following line:

With rngToFormat.Cells.Select

I only looked at this briefly, but I do not see an End With to go with this
With statement. Looks like you may have commented it out??

tmort said:
I have some code that I've switched from ADO to DAO. Now I'm getting an Else
without if error at:


'written by Crystal
'(e-mail address removed)

'NEEDS reference to Microsoft DAO Library

' ExportDelimitedText "QueryName", "c:\path\filename.csv"
' testexport("process export qry",mPathAndFile)
'set up error handler

On Error GoTo ExportDelimitedText_error

I thought I might ghave accidentally deleted an if or something while I was
doing my editing, but, I'm not finding any extra elses or missing ifs

Here's the code:

Function compexport()

Dim stto As String
Dim stcc As String
Dim stsubject As String
Dim ststartDate As String
Dim stenddate As String
Dim stfrmt As String
Dim stconame As String
Dim stmessage As String
Dim stnoto As String
Dim stnodate As String
Dim stnoconame As String
Dim stpermnumber As String
Dim ststartdateatt As String
Dim stenddateatt As String
Dim mPathAndFile As String, mFileNumber As Integer
Dim R As Recordset, mFieldNum As Integer
Dim mOutputString As String
Dim booDelimitFields As Boolean
Dim booIncludeFieldnames As Boolean
Dim mFieldDeli As String
Dim pbooIncludeFieldnames As String
Dim stendate As String
Dim pfilename As String
Dim precordsetname As String

Dim pbooDelimitFields As Boolean
Dim pFieldDeli As String

Dim oApp As Object, outApp As Object, objOutlook As Object, outmsg As
Object, olmailitem As Object

Dim oexcel As Object
'Dim osheet As Worksheet
Dim osheet As Object
'Dim rngToFormat As Range
Dim rngToFormat As Object

stconame = Nz([Forms]![export form]![coname], "none")
ststartDate = Nz([Forms]![export form]![begin], "none")
ststartdateatt = Replace(ststartDate, "/", "-")
stenddate = Nz([Forms]![export form]![end], "none")
stenddateatt = Replace(stenddate, "/", "-")
stpermnumber = Nz([Forms]![export form]![cmbpermnumber], "none")
stfrmt = DLookup("[Comp_format]", "export format settings")
stsubject = stconame & " " & "Compliance Sampling Data" & " " & ststartDate
& " " & "to" & " " & stenddate
stto = Nz([Forms]![export form]![to], "none")
stcc = Nz([Forms]![export form]![cc], "")
stmessage = Nz([Forms]![export form]![Message], "")
stnoto = "You forgot to enter a Send To email address"
stnodate = "You must enter a beginning and ending date for the data you wish
to export"
stnoconame = "You forgot to enter a company name"

pbooIncludeFieldnames = "true"

If stto = "none" Then

MsgBox stnoto

Exit Function


If stconame = "none" Then

MsgBox stnoconame

Exit Function


If ststartDate = "none" Then

MsgBox stnodate

Exit Function


If stendate = "none" Then

MsgBox stnodate

Exit Function


If stfrmt = "acFormatXLS" Then

'DoCmd.SendObject acSendQuery, "compliance export qry", acFormatXLS, [stto],
[stcc], , stconame & " " & "Compliance Sampling Data" & " " & ststartDate & "
" & "to" & " " & stenddate, [stmessage], False

pfilename = stconame & " P" & stpermnumber & " " & ststartdateatt & " to " &
stenddateatt & " Compliance Data.xls"

MsgBox CurrentProject.Path & "\" & pfilename

DoCmd.OutputTo acOutputQuery, "compliance export qry", acFormatXLS,
CurrentProject.Path & "\" & pfilename, 0

'DoCmd.OutputTo acOutputQuery, "compliance export qry", acFormatXLS,
CurrentProject.Path & "\" & "test.xls", 0

'DoCmd.TransferSpreadsheet acExport, , "compliance export qry",
CurrentProject.Path & "\" & pFilename, True
'DoCmd.TransferSpreadsheet acImport, 3,"Employees","C:\Lotus\Newemps.wk3",
True, "A1:G12"

mPathAndFile = CurrentProject.Path & "\" & pfilename


'Set oapp = CreateObject("Excel.Application")
Set oApp = CreateObject("Excel.Application")
Set oexcel = oApp.Workbooks.Open(Filename:=mPathAndFile)
Set osheet = oexcel.Worksheets("compliance export qry")

oApp.Visible = False
oApp.DisplayAlerts = False

With oexcel.Worksheets("compliance export qry").Columns


End With

With oexcel.Worksheets("compliance export qry").PageSetup
.Zoom = False
.FitToPagesTall = 1000
.FitToPagesWide = 1
.Orientation = 2
.PrintGridlines = 0
.PrintTitleRows = "A1:S1"
'.LeftHeader =
.CenterHeader = "&14" & pfilename & "&10"
'.RightHeader =
.LeftFooter = "Report Created &D &T"
'.CenterFooter =
.RightFooter = "Page &P of &N"

.LeftMargin = oApp.InchesToPoints(0.25)
.RightMargin = oApp.InchesToPoints(0.25)
.TopMargin = oApp.InchesToPoints(0.75)
.BottomMargin = oApp.InchesToPoints(0.5)
.HeaderMargin = oApp.InchesToPoints(0.5)
.FooterMargin = oApp.InchesToPoints(0.25)

End With

With osheet.Range("A1:S1")
Set rngToFormat = osheet.Range(oexcel.Worksheets("compliance export
qry").Range("S1"), .Cells(osheet.Rows.Count, "C").end(-4162).Offset(0, -2)) '

End With

With rngToFormat.Cells.Select

'No Borders

'oapp.Selection.Interior.ColorIndex = 2
'oapp.Selection.Interior.Pattern = xlSolid
'oapp.Selection.Borders(xlDiagonalDown).LineStyle = xlNone
'oapp.Selection.Borders(xlDiagonalUp).LineStyle = xlNone
'oapp.Selection.Borders(xlEdgeLeft).LineStyle = xlNone
'oapp.Selection.Borders(xlEdgeTop).LineStyle = xlNone
'oapp.Selection.Borders(xlEdgeBottom).LineStyle = xlNone
'oapp.Selection.Borders(xlEdgeRight).LineStyle = xlNone
'oapp.Selection.Borders(xlInsideVertical).LineStyle = xlNone
'oapp.Selection.Borders(xlInsideHorizontal).LineStyle = xlNone
'oapp.Selection.Interior.ColorIndex = xlNone

'End With

'With borders

oApp.Selection.Interior.ColorIndex = 2
oApp.Selection.Interior.Pattern = 1

With oApp.Selection.Borders(5)
'.xlDiagonalDown = 5
.LineStyle = -4142
End With
With oApp.Selection.Borders(6)
.LineStyle = -4142
End With
With oApp.Selection.Borders(7)
.LineStyle = 1
.Weight = 2
.ColorIndex = -4105
End With
With oApp.Selection.Borders(8)
.LineStyle = 1
.Weight = 2
.ColorIndex = -4105
End With
With oApp.Selection.Borders(9)
.LineStyle = 1
.Weight = 2
.ColorIndex = -4105
End With
With oApp.Selection.Borders(10)
.LineStyle = 1
.Weight = 2
.ColorIndex = -4105
End With
With oApp.Selection.Borders(11)
.LineStyle = 1
.Weight = 2
.ColorIndex = -4105
End With
With oApp.Selection.Borders(12)
.LineStyle = 1
.Weight = 2
.ColorIndex = -4105
End With

With osheet.Range("A1:S1")
.Font.ColorIndex = 1
.Font.Bold = -1
.Interior.ColorIndex = 15
.Interior.Pattern = 1
End With

Set osheet = Nothing 'disconnect from the Worksheet
oexcel.Close SaveChanges:=True 'Save (and disconnect from) the Workbook

' old quit code
'Set oexcel = Nothing
'oApp.Quit 'Close (and disconnect from) Excel
'Set oApp = Nothing

oApp.Application.Quit 'Close (and disconnect from)
Set oexcel = Nothing
Set oApp = Nothing


Set outApp = CreateObject("Outlook.Application")
Set outmsg = outApp.CreateItem(olmailitem)
I'm really not going to go through the code, but you really should
think about redoing it:
There are a bunch of checks for the st.. values, which get a bit
redundant with the exit functions. Try replacing the whole thing

If stto = "none" Then
MsgBox stnoto
Exit Function
End If

If stconame = "none" Then
MsgBox stnoconame
Exit Function
End If


Then, I would break out all the code into a seperate function to make
the whole thing cleaner.

Chris Nebinger

I have some code that I've switched from ADO to DAO.  Now I'm getting anElse
without if error at:


      'written by Crystal
      '(e-mail address removed)

      'NEEDS reference to Microsoft DAO Library

        '  ExportDelimitedText "QueryName", "c:\path\filename.csv"
        '  testexport("process export qry",mPathAndFile)
   'set up error handler

   On Error GoTo ExportDelimitedText_error

I thought I might ghave accidentally deleted an if or something while I was
doing my editing, but, I'm not finding any extra elses or missing ifs

Here's the code:

Function compexport()

Dim stto As String
Dim stcc As String
Dim stsubject As String
Dim ststartDate As String
Dim stenddate As String
Dim stfrmt As String
Dim stconame As String
Dim stmessage As String
Dim stnoto As String
Dim stnodate As String
Dim stnoconame As String
Dim stpermnumber As String
Dim ststartdateatt As String
Dim stenddateatt As String
Dim mPathAndFile As String, mFileNumber As Integer
Dim R As Recordset, mFieldNum As Integer
Dim mOutputString As String
Dim booDelimitFields As Boolean
Dim booIncludeFieldnames As Boolean
Dim mFieldDeli As String
Dim pbooIncludeFieldnames As String
Dim stendate As String
Dim pfilename As String
Dim precordsetname As String

Dim pbooDelimitFields As Boolean
Dim pFieldDeli As String

Dim oApp As Object, outApp As Object, objOutlook As Object, outmsg As
Object, olmailitem As Object

Dim oexcel As Object
'Dim osheet As Worksheet
Dim osheet As Object
'Dim rngToFormat As Range
Dim rngToFormat As Object

stconame = Nz([Forms]![export form]![coname], "none")
ststartDate = Nz([Forms]![export form]![begin], "none")
ststartdateatt = Replace(ststartDate, "/", "-")
stenddate = Nz([Forms]![export form]![end], "none")
stenddateatt = Replace(stenddate, "/", "-")
stpermnumber = Nz([Forms]![export form]![cmbpermnumber], "none")
stfrmt = DLookup("[Comp_format]", "export format settings")
stsubject = stconame & " " & "Compliance Sampling Data" & " " & ststartDate
& " " & "to" & " " & stenddate
stto = Nz([Forms]![export form]![to], "none")
stcc = Nz([Forms]![export form]![cc], "")
stmessage = Nz([Forms]![export form]![Message], "")
stnoto = "You forgot to enter a Send To email address"
stnodate = "You must enter a beginning and ending date for the data you wish
to export"
stnoconame = "You forgot to enter a company name"

pbooIncludeFieldnames = "true"

If stto = "none" Then

MsgBox stnoto

    Exit Function


If stconame = "none" Then

MsgBox stnoconame

Exit Function


If ststartDate = "none" Then

MsgBox stnodate

Exit Function


If stendate = "none" Then

MsgBox stnodate

Exit Function


If stfrmt = "acFormatXLS" Then

'DoCmd.SendObject acSendQuery, "compliance export qry", acFormatXLS, [stto],
[stcc], , stconame & " " & "Compliance Sampling Data" & " " & ststartDate & "
" & "to" & " " & stenddate, [stmessage], False

pfilename = stconame & " P" & stpermnumber & " " & ststartdateatt & " to" &
stenddateatt & " Compliance Data.xls"

MsgBox CurrentProject.Path & "\" & pfilename

DoCmd.OutputTo acOutputQuery, "compliance export qry", acFormatXLS,
CurrentProject.Path & "\" & pfilename, 0

'DoCmd.OutputTo acOutputQuery, "compliance export qry", acFormatXLS,
CurrentProject.Path & "\" & "test.xls", 0

'DoCmd.TransferSpreadsheet acExport, , "compliance export qry",
CurrentProject.Path & "\" & pFilename, True
'DoCmd.TransferSpreadsheet acImport, 3,"Employees","C:\Lotus\Newemps.wk3",
True, "A1:G12"

mPathAndFile = CurrentProject.Path & "\" & pfilename


'Set oapp = CreateObject("Excel.Application")
Set oApp = CreateObject("Excel.Application")
Set oexcel = oApp.Workbooks.Open(Filename:=mPathAndFile)
Set osheet = oexcel.Worksheets("compliance export qry")

oApp.Visible = False
oApp.DisplayAlerts = False

With oexcel.Worksheets("compliance export qry").Columns


End With

With oexcel.Worksheets("compliance export qry").PageSetup
.Zoom = False
.FitToPagesTall = 1000
.FitToPagesWide = 1
.Orientation = 2
.PrintGridlines = 0
.PrintTitleRows = "A1:S1"
'.LeftHeader =
.CenterHeader = "&14" & pfilename & "&10"
'.RightHeader =
.LeftFooter = "Report Created &D &T"
'.CenterFooter =
.RightFooter = "Page &P of &N"

.LeftMargin = oApp.InchesToPoints(0.25)
.RightMargin = oApp.InchesToPoints(0.25)
.TopMargin = oApp.InchesToPoints(0.75)
.BottomMargin = oApp.InchesToPoints(0.5)
.HeaderMargin = oApp.InchesToPoints(0.5)
.FooterMargin = oApp.InchesToPoints(0.25)

End With

With osheet.Range("A1:S1")
Set rngToFormat = osheet.Range(oexcel.Worksheets("compliance export
qry").Range("S1"), .Cells(osheet.Rows.Count, "C").end(-4162).Offset(0, -2)) '

End With

With rngToFormat.Cells.Select

'No Borders

'oapp.Selection.Interior.ColorIndex = 2
'oapp.Selection.Interior.Pattern = xlSolid
'oapp.Selection.Borders(xlDiagonalDown).LineStyle = xlNone
'oapp.Selection.Borders(xlDiagonalUp).LineStyle = xlNone
'oapp.Selection.Borders(xlEdgeLeft).LineStyle = xlNone
'oapp.Selection.Borders(xlEdgeTop).LineStyle = xlNone
'oapp.Selection.Borders(xlEdgeBottom).LineStyle = xlNone
'oapp.Selection.Borders(xlEdgeRight).LineStyle = xlNone
'oapp.Selection.Borders(xlInsideVertical).LineStyle = xlNone
'oapp.Selection.Borders(xlInsideHorizontal).LineStyle = xlNone
'oapp.Selection.Interior.ColorIndex = xlNone

'End With

'With borders

    oApp.Selection.Interior.ColorIndex = 2
    oApp.Selection.Interior.Pattern = 1

        With oApp.Selection.Borders(5)
            '.xlDiagonalDown = 5
            .LineStyle = -4142
        End With
        With oApp.Selection.Borders(6)
            .LineStyle = -4142
        End With
        With oApp.Selection.Borders(7)
            .LineStyle = 1
            .Weight = 2
            .ColorIndex = -4105
        End With
        With oApp.Selection.Borders(8)
            .LineStyle = 1
            .Weight = 2
            .ColorIndex = -4105
        End With
        With oApp.Selection.Borders(9)
            .LineStyle = 1
            .Weight = 2
            .ColorIndex = -4105
        End With
        With oApp.Selection.Borders(10)
            .LineStyle = 1
            .Weight = 2
            .ColorIndex = -4105
        End With
        With oApp.Selection.Borders(11)
            .LineStyle = 1
            .Weight = 2
            .ColorIndex = -4105
        End With
        With oApp.Selection.Borders(12)
            .LineStyle = 1
            .Weight = 2
            .ColorIndex = -4105
        End With

With osheet.Range("A1:S1")
.Font.ColorIndex = 1
.Font.Bold = -1
.Interior.ColorIndex = 15
.Interior.Pattern = 1
End With

Set osheet = Nothing             'disconnect from the Worksheet
oexcel.Close SaveChanges:=True    'Save (and disconnect from) the Workbook

' old quit code
'Set oexcel = Nothing
'oApp.Quit                        'Close (and disconnect from) Excel
'Set oApp = Nothing

oApp.Application.Quit                        'Close (and disconnect from)
Set oexcel = Nothing
Set oApp = Nothing


Set outApp = CreateObject("Outlook.Application")
    Set outmsg = outApp.CreateItem(olmailitem)

If stcc = "" Then

    With outmsg

        .Recipients.Add (stto)
        .subject = stsubject
        .ReadReceiptRequested = -1
        .body = stmessage
        .Importance = 2
        .Attachments.Add (mPathAndFile)

    End With


    With outmsg

        .Recipients.Add(stto).Type = 1
        .Recipients.Add(stcc).Type = 2
        .subject = stsubject
        .ReadReceiptRequested = -1
        .body = stmessage
        .Importance = 2
        .Attachments.Add (mPathAndFile)

    End With

End If

Kill mPathAndFile


      'written by Crystal
      '(e-mail address removed)

      'NEEDS reference to Microsoft DAO Library

        '  ExportDelimitedText "QueryName", "c:\path\filename.csv"
        '  testexport("process export qry",mPathAndFile)
   'set up error handler

   On Error GoTo ExportDelimitedText_error

   pfilename = stconame & " P" & stpermnumber & " " & ststartdateatt& " to
" & stenddateatt & " Compliance Data.txt"

   precordsetname = "SELECT Results.[Company Name] AS [Sample Name],
Results.[Outfall Number] AS OFN, Results.[Collection Date] AS [Sample Date],
Samples.CollectionEndDate AS Expr2, Samples.[Sample Type] AS Composite,
Results.Sampler AS [Sampled by], Results.[Date Lab Received] AS [Received
Date], Results.[Analysis Date], '""' AS Expr3, Results.[Method ID] AS Method,
Results.[Method Description] AS Expr4, Results.Analyte AS Parameter,
Results.Result, '""' AS Expr5, Results.Units, Results.[Reporting Limit] AS
Expr1, '""' AS [Detection Limit], Results.[Lab Sample ID] AS [Lab Number],
Results.[Lab Name] AS Expr7" & Chr(13) _
                    & "FROM (Samples RIGHT JOIN Results ON
(Samples.[Compliance Sample] = Results.[Compliance Sample]) AND
(Samples.Sampler = Results.Sampler) AND (Samples.[Collection Date] =
Results.[Collection Date]) AND (Samples.[Outfall Number] = Results.[Outfall
Number])) LEFT JOIN [Results and Limits] ON Results.ID = [Results and
Limits].ID" & Chr(13) _
                    & "GROUP BY Results.[Company Name], Results.[Outfall
Number], Results.[Collection Date], Samples.CollectionEndDate,
Samples.[Sample Type], Results.Sampler, Results.[Date Lab Received],
Results.[Analysis Date], '""', Results.[Method ID], Results.[Method
Description], Results.Analyte, Results.Result, '""', Results.Units,
Results.[Reporting Limit], '""', Results.[Lab Sample ID], Results.[Lab Name],
Results.[Compliance Sample]" & Chr(13) _
                    & "HAVING (((Results.[Collection Date]) Between #" &
[Forms]![export form]![begin] & "# And #" & [Forms]![export form]![end] & "#)
AND ((Results.Sampler)=""IU"") AND ((Results.[Compliance Sample])=Yes)) ORDER
BY Results.[Collection Date];"

   booDelimitFields = Nz(pbooDelimitFields, False)
   booIncludeFieldnames = Nz(pbooIncludeFieldnames, False)

   'make the delimiter a TAB character unless specified
   If Nz(pFieldDeli, "") = "" Then
      mFieldDeli = Chr(9)
      mFieldDeli = pFieldDeli
   End If

   'if there is no path specfied, put file in current directory
   If InStr(pfilename, "\") = 0 Then
      mPathAndFile = CurrentProject.Path
      mPathAndFile = ""
   End If

   mPathAndFile = mPathAndFile & "\" & pfilename

   'if there is no extension specified, add TXT
   If InStr(pfilename, ".") = 0 Then
      mPathAndFile = mPathAndFile & ".txt"
   End If

   'get a handle
   mFileNumber = FreeFile

   'close file handle if it is open
   'ignore any error from trying to close it if it is not
   On Error Resume Next
   Close #mFileNumber
   On Error GoTo ExportDelimitedText_error

   'delete the output file if already exists
   If Dir(mPathAndFile) <> "" Then
      Kill mPathAndFile
   End If

      'open file for output
   Open mPathAndFile For Output As #mFileNumber

   'open the recordset
   Set R = CurrentDb.OpenRecordset(precordsetname)

   'write fieldnames if specified
   If booIncludeFieldnames Then
      mOutputString = ""
      For mFieldNum = 0 To R.Fields.Count - 1
         If booDelimitFields Then
             mOutputString = mOutputString & """" _
               & R.Fields(mFieldNum) & """" & mFieldDeli
               mOutputString = mOutputString _
                  & R.Fields(mFieldNum).name & mFieldDeli
            End If
      Next mFieldNum

      'remove last delimiter
      mOutputString = Left(mOutputString, Len(mOutputString) -

      'write a line to the file
      Print #mFileNumber, mOutputString
   End If

   'loop through all records
   Do While Not R.EOF()

      'tell OS (Operating System) to pay attention to things
      mOutputString = ""
      For mFieldNum = 0 To R.Fields.Count - 1
         If booDelimitFields Then
            Select Case R.Fields(mFieldNum).Type
               Case 10, 12
                  mOutputString = mOutputString & """"_
                     & R.Fields(mFieldNum) & """" & mFieldDeli
               Case 8
                  mOutputString = mOutputString & "#" _
                     & R.Fields(mFieldNum) & "#" & mFieldDeli
               Case Else
                  mOutputString = mOutputString _
                     & R.Fields(mFieldNum) & mFieldDeli
            End Select
            mOutputString = mOutputString & R.Fields(mFieldNum) & mFieldDeli
         End If

      Next mFieldNum

      'remove last TAB
      mOutputString = Left(mOutputString, Len(mOutputString) -

      'write a line to the file
      Print #mFileNumber, mOutputString

      'move to next record

   'close the file
   Close #mFileNumber

   'close the recordset

   'release object variables
   Set R = Nothing

    'Dim outmsg As Object
    'Dim Item As Outlook.MailItem

    'Dim objMe As Object

    Set outApp = CreateObject("Outlook.Application")
    Set outmsg = outApp.CreateItem(olmailitem)

If stcc = "" Then

    With outmsg

        .Recipients.Add (stto)
        .subject = stsubject
        .ReadReceiptRequested = True
        .body = stmessage
        .Importance = 2
        .Attachments.Add (mPathAndFile)

    End With


    With outmsg

        .Recipients.Add(stto).Type = 1
        .Recipients.Add(stcc).Type = 2
        .subject = stsubject
        .ReadReceiptRequested = -1
        .body = stmessage
        .Importance = 2
        .Attachments.Add (mPathAndFile)

    End With

End If

Kill mPathAndFile

Exit Function

   'MsgBox Err.Description, , "ERROR " & Err.Number & "   ExportDelimitedText"
MsgBox Err.Description, , "ERROR " & Err.Number & "   testxport"
   'press F8 to step through code and correct problem

End If
End If
End If
End If
End If

End Function

That was it.

Ralph said:
I think the problem is with the following line:

With rngToFormat.Cells.Select

I only looked at this briefly, but I do not see an End With to go with this
With statement. Looks like you may have commented it out??

tmort said:
I have some code that I've switched from ADO to DAO. Now I'm getting an Else
without if error at:


'written by Crystal
'(e-mail address removed)

'NEEDS reference to Microsoft DAO Library

' ExportDelimitedText "QueryName", "c:\path\filename.csv"
' testexport("process export qry",mPathAndFile)
'set up error handler

On Error GoTo ExportDelimitedText_error

I thought I might ghave accidentally deleted an if or something while I was
doing my editing, but, I'm not finding any extra elses or missing ifs

Here's the code:

Function compexport()

Dim stto As String
Dim stcc As String
Dim stsubject As String
Dim ststartDate As String
Dim stenddate As String
Dim stfrmt As String
Dim stconame As String
Dim stmessage As String
Dim stnoto As String
Dim stnodate As String
Dim stnoconame As String
Dim stpermnumber As String
Dim ststartdateatt As String
Dim stenddateatt As String
Dim mPathAndFile As String, mFileNumber As Integer
Dim R As Recordset, mFieldNum As Integer
Dim mOutputString As String
Dim booDelimitFields As Boolean
Dim booIncludeFieldnames As Boolean
Dim mFieldDeli As String
Dim pbooIncludeFieldnames As String
Dim stendate As String
Dim pfilename As String
Dim precordsetname As String

Dim pbooDelimitFields As Boolean
Dim pFieldDeli As String

Dim oApp As Object, outApp As Object, objOutlook As Object, outmsg As
Object, olmailitem As Object

Dim oexcel As Object
'Dim osheet As Worksheet
Dim osheet As Object
'Dim rngToFormat As Range
Dim rngToFormat As Object

stconame = Nz([Forms]![export form]![coname], "none")
ststartDate = Nz([Forms]![export form]![begin], "none")
ststartdateatt = Replace(ststartDate, "/", "-")
stenddate = Nz([Forms]![export form]![end], "none")
stenddateatt = Replace(stenddate, "/", "-")
stpermnumber = Nz([Forms]![export form]![cmbpermnumber], "none")
stfrmt = DLookup("[Comp_format]", "export format settings")
stsubject = stconame & " " & "Compliance Sampling Data" & " " & ststartDate
& " " & "to" & " " & stenddate
stto = Nz([Forms]![export form]![to], "none")
stcc = Nz([Forms]![export form]![cc], "")
stmessage = Nz([Forms]![export form]![Message], "")
stnoto = "You forgot to enter a Send To email address"
stnodate = "You must enter a beginning and ending date for the data you wish
to export"
stnoconame = "You forgot to enter a company name"

pbooIncludeFieldnames = "true"

If stto = "none" Then

MsgBox stnoto

Exit Function


If stconame = "none" Then

MsgBox stnoconame

Exit Function


If ststartDate = "none" Then

MsgBox stnodate

Exit Function


If stendate = "none" Then

MsgBox stnodate

Exit Function


If stfrmt = "acFormatXLS" Then

'DoCmd.SendObject acSendQuery, "compliance export qry", acFormatXLS, [stto],
[stcc], , stconame & " " & "Compliance Sampling Data" & " " & ststartDate & "
" & "to" & " " & stenddate, [stmessage], False

pfilename = stconame & " P" & stpermnumber & " " & ststartdateatt & " to " &
stenddateatt & " Compliance Data.xls"

MsgBox CurrentProject.Path & "\" & pfilename

DoCmd.OutputTo acOutputQuery, "compliance export qry", acFormatXLS,
CurrentProject.Path & "\" & pfilename, 0

'DoCmd.OutputTo acOutputQuery, "compliance export qry", acFormatXLS,
CurrentProject.Path & "\" & "test.xls", 0

'DoCmd.TransferSpreadsheet acExport, , "compliance export qry",
CurrentProject.Path & "\" & pFilename, True
'DoCmd.TransferSpreadsheet acImport, 3,"Employees","C:\Lotus\Newemps.wk3",
True, "A1:G12"

mPathAndFile = CurrentProject.Path & "\" & pfilename


'Set oapp = CreateObject("Excel.Application")
Set oApp = CreateObject("Excel.Application")
Set oexcel = oApp.Workbooks.Open(Filename:=mPathAndFile)
Set osheet = oexcel.Worksheets("compliance export qry")

oApp.Visible = False
oApp.DisplayAlerts = False

With oexcel.Worksheets("compliance export qry").Columns


End With

With oexcel.Worksheets("compliance export qry").PageSetup
.Zoom = False
.FitToPagesTall = 1000
.FitToPagesWide = 1
.Orientation = 2
.PrintGridlines = 0
.PrintTitleRows = "A1:S1"
'.LeftHeader =
.CenterHeader = "&14" & pfilename & "&10"
'.RightHeader =
.LeftFooter = "Report Created &D &T"
'.CenterFooter =
.RightFooter = "Page &P of &N"

.LeftMargin = oApp.InchesToPoints(0.25)
.RightMargin = oApp.InchesToPoints(0.25)
.TopMargin = oApp.InchesToPoints(0.75)
.BottomMargin = oApp.InchesToPoints(0.5)
.HeaderMargin = oApp.InchesToPoints(0.5)
.FooterMargin = oApp.InchesToPoints(0.25)

End With

With osheet.Range("A1:S1")
Set rngToFormat = osheet.Range(oexcel.Worksheets("compliance export
qry").Range("S1"), .Cells(osheet.Rows.Count, "C").end(-4162).Offset(0, -2)) '

End With

With rngToFormat.Cells.Select

'No Borders

'oapp.Selection.Interior.ColorIndex = 2
'oapp.Selection.Interior.Pattern = xlSolid
'oapp.Selection.Borders(xlDiagonalDown).LineStyle = xlNone
'oapp.Selection.Borders(xlDiagonalUp).LineStyle = xlNone
'oapp.Selection.Borders(xlEdgeLeft).LineStyle = xlNone
'oapp.Selection.Borders(xlEdgeTop).LineStyle = xlNone
'oapp.Selection.Borders(xlEdgeBottom).LineStyle = xlNone
'oapp.Selection.Borders(xlEdgeRight).LineStyle = xlNone
'oapp.Selection.Borders(xlInsideVertical).LineStyle = xlNone
'oapp.Selection.Borders(xlInsideHorizontal).LineStyle = xlNone
'oapp.Selection.Interior.ColorIndex = xlNone

'End With

'With borders

oApp.Selection.Interior.ColorIndex = 2
oApp.Selection.Interior.Pattern = 1

With oApp.Selection.Borders(5)
'.xlDiagonalDown = 5
.LineStyle = -4142
End With
With oApp.Selection.Borders(6)
.LineStyle = -4142
End With
With oApp.Selection.Borders(7)
.LineStyle = 1
.Weight = 2
.ColorIndex = -4105
End With
With oApp.Selection.Borders(8)
.LineStyle = 1
.Weight = 2
.ColorIndex = -4105
End With
With oApp.Selection.Borders(9)
.LineStyle = 1
.Weight = 2
.ColorIndex = -4105
End With
With oApp.Selection.Borders(10)
.LineStyle = 1
.Weight = 2
.ColorIndex = -4105
End With
With oApp.Selection.Borders(11)
.LineStyle = 1
.Weight = 2
.ColorIndex = -4105
End With
With oApp.Selection.Borders(12)
.LineStyle = 1
.Weight = 2
.ColorIndex = -4105
End With

With osheet.Range("A1:S1")
.Font.ColorIndex = 1
.Font.Bold = -1
.Interior.ColorIndex = 15
.Interior.Pattern = 1
End With

Set osheet = Nothing 'disconnect from the Worksheet
oexcel.Close SaveChanges:=True 'Save (and disconnect from) the Workbook

' old quit code
'Set oexcel = Nothing
'oApp.Quit 'Close (and disconnect from) Excel
'Set oApp = Nothing

oApp.Application.Quit 'Close (and disconnect from)
Set oexcel = Nothing
Set oApp = Nothing
tmort said:

That was it.


Congrats with your patience.


You've got to shake your head sometimes at the wrong error messages.


Tony Toews, Microsoft Access MVP
Please respond only in the newsgroups so that others can
read the entire thread of messages.
Microsoft Access Links, Hints, Tips & Accounting Systems at
Tony's Microsoft Access Blog - http://msmvps.com/blogs/access/