Is there any way to build an else, if statement. For
example I need to say that IF Reserve type = 70/25, then
perform this, else IF reserve Type = 70/30,perform this.
Here is what I have so far and it is working but I can't
get the second part into it. I am pulling the 70/25 and
70/30 from a combo box.
=IIf([RESERVE TYPE]="70/25",([APR]-[FIXED RATE])*0.75/[APR]
example I need to say that IF Reserve type = 70/25, then
perform this, else IF reserve Type = 70/30,perform this.
Here is what I have so far and it is working but I can't
get the second part into it. I am pulling the 70/25 and
70/30 from a combo box.
=IIf([RESERVE TYPE]="70/25",([APR]-[FIXED RATE])*0.75/[APR]