We disconnected the USB; only the serial cable was connected.
During installation from a CD, we select "auto detect" and the setup
application always finds the port we're plugged into. During alignment, the
touch screen responds to touches on the targets. However, after we complete
the setup, mouse events from the ELO are not seen by the operating system.
We downloaded the latest ELO serial driver from XPEFILES.com and imported
the SLD file into our component database, and then built an image from it.
It appears only COM-1 is supported, which is OK. During calibration, ELO
responds to touches on the targets as before, but serial data is not
transmitted to the operating system as mouse events. Same as from CD.
So we're wondering if a component is missing, or a configuration is missing,
or a service is missing that links serial data to mouse events.
Thanks for the response; maybe there is a solution with this thing.
Thanks much,