I have also been using FP since it came out. Purchaces MANY copies,
abuse by my ISP friends using it, etc. Now I have purchased Expressions.
Have it installed. Is there a way to Convert from FP to Expressions in a
simple way, or do I have to start all over again.
It depends on what you mean by "....do I have to start all over again...".
My reading and understanding is you can maintain a FP website in EW.
If I were going to start a new website from scratch I would either do it in
the next version EW (the 1st version is showing some growing pains for some
users) or I would setup my "Page Options" to only use the most common and
widely supported portions of code (eg. no FPSE, no vbscript, no VRL etc). I
would also use a linked .css page to manage the bulk of the website styles
and layout. I would try to avoid using themes.
I just got done poking around on a javascript website that was mentioned in
another post. I now have most of the replacement navigation tools I need.
I have learned the modest amount of .css needed to make a regular html
hyyperlink do the rollover trick that you used to have to do with 2 small
graphics files.
I am reluctantly reviewing everything from Htnl to learning more css and
javascript because its beginning to look like I will need them.... but
never fear FP2002 or later is still here....