Subject: Re: Leading Zeros New Post
From: "Chris" <[email protected]> Sent:
10/14/2003 11:42:40 AM
Great thanks for the info. On the second part though I
can't round the decimals I need to actually keep the
numbers after the decimals but just get rid of the
decimal. Any suggestions?
From: "Chris" <[email protected]> Sent:
10/14/2003 11:42:40 AM
Great thanks for the info. On the second part though I
can't round the decimals I need to actually keep the
numbers after the decimals but just get rid of the
decimal. Any suggestions?
..-----Original Message-----
Create a query into this table.
Type this in to the Field row:
NewName: Format([SomeField], "0000000")
The expression will presnt the values with leading zeros, and with any
decimals rounded off.
Use TransferText to export the query to a text file with the leading zeros.
Allen Browne - Microsoft MVP. Perth, Western Australia.
Reply to group, rather than allenbrowne at mvps dot org.
Chris said:I need to add leading zeroes to an amount field in a
query. Some of the amounts are longer than others. The
field length needs to be 7 characters.
With some fields longer than others how do I get the query
to determine how many zeros to add?
Also this is eventually going to be converted to a text
file for programming purposes. Is there an easy way to get
rid of the decimal point in the amount field as well?
Thanks for your help)