Eliminate Taskbar updates

  • Thread starter Thread starter Otto Moehrbach
  • Start date Start date

Otto Moehrbach

Excel 2007 Win 7 64-bit
I don't know if "Taskbar" is the proper term. I mean the bar at the bottom
of the screen that displays the icons and names of all open files.
I have some code that opens multiple files, one at a time, copies/pastes,
and closes the files. I set ScreenUpdating so that nothing is jumping on
the main screen. However, the "taskbar" is, of course, jumping around. Is
there a way to freeze that bar by code? Thanks for your time. Otto
Try the following;

Check the code and comment out any lines that start with
Application.statusbar = [something]

At the top of you code, add:
Application.statusbar = " "
At the end of your code, add:
Application.statusbar = False

Note: if your code errors out or does not complete for any reason, your
statusbar will remain blank until you provide the application.statusbar =
False either through the immediate window, or a separate short sub just for
this purpose (or closing and re-opening excel)

This is how I deal with the situation I think you are describing in
Excel2003, and would expect it to work the same way in 2007.

You shouldn't really see anything jumping around in the task bar.
Or, maybe look at this (in XL97-2003)

Tools, Options, View, Windows in taskbar - uncheck

search help for similar in xl2007

Peter T