Wquuinn said:
Is there a way to eliminate Prefetch files from being
written to your hard disk?
I am using WIndowsXP Home edition.
Richard said:
Yes, but why would you want to.
3-4 years ago this was a hot topic but then it died down,
when people finally realized that it was to their advantage to
leave the function enabled.
Thanks for the message Richard, however I do not find
them to be an advantage.
Shenan said:
Thanks all messages and especially Stanley's message on the
registry hack.
My question was how to do the change if I wanted to
eliminate Prefetch files.
I know the reason of those files and what they are suppose
to do for a slow machine. However, my humble testing 'of
files or no files' on my desktop did not show me a
difference in time to start or load programs. There is some
minor delay in loading or starting programs on my laptop.
That has a slow chip and only 1 MB of ram.
Reasonable enough. It's your system - but one needs to ask 'why' every so
Why do people use my last name. Is it like a "coach" thing or calling roll
in a class?
I can understand in speech - Stanley is an obvious name - easy to say, hard
to mess up. My first name is not so easy - so I can understand someone
preferring to say my last name the first few times - even asking how to
pronounce my first name... It's a save face and embarrassment issue then.
However - here - in the newsgroups - I have always signed my name (signed)
as Shenan Stanley or even just Shenan. No comma to indicate LastName,
FirstName or anything like that.
Just curious if I am missing something...
Of course - while I am wondering - I also have wondered how people can
misspell my name - with it in type in front of them. Happens in emails as
well (both things actually.) Thus why I ask... What secret of the universe
am I missing... Should I refer to people by their last names more? *grin*