I've made a phone directory for my church. After the first and last name
appears, I'd like the spouse's name to appear if there is one. I've written
an if then statement as such:
=IIf(Len([Spouse First Name] & "")=0," ","Spouse: " & [Spouse First Name] &
" " & [Spouse Last Name])
and have set every detail "can shrink" setting to "yes" that I can find.
But there is still a blank line under the name of all where the spouse entry
is blank. --The if then statement works BTW.
Is there a way for me to eliminate the blank lines?
Thanks in advance,
I've made a phone directory for my church. After the first and last name
appears, I'd like the spouse's name to appear if there is one. I've written
an if then statement as such:
=IIf(Len([Spouse First Name] & "")=0," ","Spouse: " & [Spouse First Name] &
" " & [Spouse Last Name])
and have set every detail "can shrink" setting to "yes" that I can find.
But there is still a blank line under the name of all where the spouse entry
is blank. --The if then statement works BTW.
Is there a way for me to eliminate the blank lines?
Thanks in advance,