Electronic Employee Manual

  • Thread starter Thread starter Fred
  • Start date Start date


We are looking to produce an employye manual inelectronic
format. My thought is that most employees will not read a
manual, so I want to create a series of FAQ's that would
answer the question and then take them to the appropriate
form such as expense form or health form. They could
complete the form and then email or fax just that form in
to the corporate office. I also would like to supply this
to them on a CD to reduce paper waste, and reduce outdated

Any ideas would be of help.
Hi Fred

If you distribute CDs, then, instead of people having outdated manuals, they will now have outdated CDs<g>. And outdated CDs hanging
around the office can be a security problem. This is because people see outdated ones and think "instead of throwing them out, I
could take them home and let my kids use them for school". And you don't want your internal manuals popping up at school one day!

I would suggest that you try to create a world in which there is one electronic copy of the manual, and you give everyone access to
that one electronic copy. You can update it when necessary, which means that people will always have access to the up-to-date

There are three ways I can think of to do that:

1. Put the manual in a folder on a server, and give everyone permission to read files in that folder.

2. Put the manual on your company's intranet.

3. Put the manual in a shared folder in Exchange (if your company happens to use Exchange).

If you put your manual and all the associated forms in the same folder, then it would be particularly easy to create a document with
hyperlinks to the relevant forms.

In any case, it may be worth a chat to your IT people to see what's possible from their end.

Hope this helps.

Shauna Kelly. Microsoft MVP.
Melbourne, Australia