How can I format the result of somthing like
as 0 years, 6 months, 19 days, 11 hours, 5 minutes, 17 seconds?
(the 37790.0756944444 is just an example, but the date will be constant). In a worksheet it's no problem,
"=DATEDIF($A$4,NOW(),""y"")&"" years, ""&DATEDIF($A$4,NOW(),""ym"")&"" months, ""&DATEDIF($A$4,NOW(),""md"")&"" days,"" &TEXT(NOW()-$A$4,""h"") &"" hours, "" &TEXT(NOW()-$A$4,""m"")&"" minutes, "" & TEXT(NOW()-$A$4,""s"") & "" seconds"""
The thing is, I don't need the woksheet, I just want to attach the elapsed time to a button that will calculate when clicked. It twould look cooler if it keeps calculating while it's up, but that part isn't necessary. Thanks in advance for any/all help.
as 0 years, 6 months, 19 days, 11 hours, 5 minutes, 17 seconds?
(the 37790.0756944444 is just an example, but the date will be constant). In a worksheet it's no problem,
"=DATEDIF($A$4,NOW(),""y"")&"" years, ""&DATEDIF($A$4,NOW(),""ym"")&"" months, ""&DATEDIF($A$4,NOW(),""md"")&"" days,"" &TEXT(NOW()-$A$4,""h"") &"" hours, "" &TEXT(NOW()-$A$4,""m"")&"" minutes, "" & TEXT(NOW()-$A$4,""s"") & "" seconds"""
The thing is, I don't need the woksheet, I just want to attach the elapsed time to a button that will calculate when clicked. It twould look cooler if it keeps calculating while it's up, but that part isn't necessary. Thanks in advance for any/all help.