Hi, my brother-in-law owns a EI system desk top pc, which he got from pc world last september. If i had known the reputation i would have warned him! Anyway the problem is, it has started to crash and freezes on one screen. This happened at random times, not only when opening internet explorer. So he called pc world out to look at it and they gave him system recovery disc's and left him to fix it. I might just point out at this time that it is still under warrenty and he pays pc world £5 a month for that break down cover they offer! Anyway, he ran the system recovery destructive, and then the usb ports didnt work. So again the pc world guy came out and sorted that out. Now less then a week later it has completly gone, i looked at it for him and it wont even start up. When you turn it on it goes to a black screen straight away and says press f10 or f11 for recovery but if you do that it just freezes and if you press nothing and wait it just freezes. We called them up an the tech guys told us it was a software problem but they say it wont be replaced even though we have had so much trouble with it. I just wondered if anyone had any idea what it might be as pc world dont seem to know thier backsides from thier elbows! Thanks