EI Systems laptop and external monitor resolutions

Oct 4, 2006
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I bought an EI Systems 3082 laptop a couple of weeks ago.
Before everyone starts telling me they're rubbish, I already know that.

I just needed an extra machine for a couple of weeks, then i'm gonna pass it off on the kids.

My problem is that when I try and connect an external monitor I cant seem to get the resolutions to work correctly.

Originally the maximum allowed resolution was 1024x768 but a driver update cured that.

Unfortunately, now when I select my monitors native resolution (1440x900) all that happens is that the monitor shows a 1024x768 resolution and the display scrolls around when it hits the edges.

Does anyone know if it is possible to get this junk to use an external monitor correctly. After this weekend I couldnt care less, but It would be really usefull if it did this weekend.
Start with 800x600.
Power everything down, then connect the monitor.
I've seen some systems need to be restarted once connected to an external monitor.
Do you see the POST/Boot up on the monitor?

You then may need to toggle between Laptop/Monitor/shared.

800x600 should work fine - THEN look at increasing the resolution!
I'll give that a try when I get home tonight.
On boot up I do see the post on both screens.
I've tried switching to external, reboot, laptop, reboot, shared, reboot.
Disabled the onboard monitor within the graphics drivers, reboot.

About the only thing I havent tried is your suggestion about 800x600, which i will try tonight.

Let you know how it goes.
Well that didnt work. It scales up to 1024x768 on the external monitor, but above that it keeps 1024x768 and scrolls the rest of the display.

Stupid piece of junk.
I would have thought that as the graphics card is an SiS661 Mirage then it should have just been handled by that.

Laptops are not my speciality.

Unless someone else can come up with a solution I think i'll be stuck with 1024x768, which sucks on a widescreen lcd monitor (I hate the fuzzy blurring it does to downsize resolutions).
What is the external monitor? do you have the drivers for the monitor? Does the monitor have an Auto button?

Try manually setting the drivers "SiS Mirage Graphics" if still things look bad ... try the "PowerStrip" utility, it can help you with info/synchronizing the timing stuff.


The monitor is a Hyundai N91S 19" widescreen lcd flatpanel, and the drivers are installed on the laptop.

To confirm that its not the screen I connected a different monitor (a crt one) but thats getting the same behaviour.
I tried powerstrip, and it seems to be indicating that although the desktop resolution can be set to 1440x900 the screen resolution wont go above 1024x768.

I did wonder if there might be a registry setting to force the graphics drivers to accept a higher resolution, but i've not been able to find anything on the net.

If anyone is unfamiliar with what i'm describing, its like setting the resolution on a laptop screen higher than it can display and windows compensating by scrolling the screen when the mouse pointer hits the edge.

Thanks for trying to help guys, but it might just be something that this machine cant do.