Ei System 4411 Laptop disassemby

Feb 1, 2007
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I have a Ei System 4411 Laptop which needs the dc power socket re-soldering i.e I need to get access to the motherboard. Anyone sucessfuly disassembled this type of laptop?


But get a copy of Upgrading & Repairing Laptops by Scott Mueller.
This may help you in understanding more about working on laptops.
Laptop Disassemle

Hi Have you manged to disassemble the laptop yet, I have got mine apart but cant find anyone that can repair it. do you know of anyone
Eric Herbst
Eric, I've removed your e-mail for your own good. If it was left here, spy bots would trawl it in and you'd soon be receiving oodles of spam. If anybody can help you, they can post in this thread - FBS

Oranje said:
I have a Ei System 4411 Laptop which needs the dc power socket re-soldering i.e I need to get access to the motherboard. Anyone sucessfuly disassembled this type of laptop?

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Spasticus said:
I have had my Ei 4411 apart. It's easy. I can also email you Mueller's book if you let me know.
Hi Please could you let me knoe where I may obtain the book, do you happen to know where I may obtain a motherboard for my laptop, as the power sockit has gone on it. thanks
