Egyptian mummies

Aug 13, 2010
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Let us discuss here and figure out how the egyptian mummies were made..I mean what were they coated with?
WAT M I UPTO?dude i find this thing very interesting n i wanna find that HOW DID PHARAOHS HAD MORE BRAINS THAN TODAYS SCIENTISTS?
kush.m said:
WAT M I UPTO?dude i find this thing very interesting n i wanna find that HOW DID PHARAOHS HAD MORE BRAINS THAN TODAYS SCIENTISTS?
Then go on a natrual history form, not a pc related one!
kush.m said:
WAT M I UPTO?dude i find this thing very interesting n i wanna find that HOW DID PHARAOHS HAD MORE BRAINS THAN TODAYS SCIENTISTS?

Your keyboard is broken?

I'm not saying what, i do not need to explain myself to you. Just that you have been noticed. ;)
V_R said:
Your keyboard is broken?

I'm not saying what, i do not need to explain myself to you. Just that you have been noticed. ;)

my keyboard is perfectly fine...
guys,i jst want to say that whats wrong in discussing things here?this site is for that purpose only i suppose...and also things like this are so interesting!
care in the community has a lot to answer for!

Why dont we discuss The Rise & Fall of Reggie Perrin.;)
His point is for a second post, you're request was extremely strange and random for even the General section

I'll make a suggestion and say if you have a problem take it up via a PM not an open thread ;)
Most things can be discussed here (within reason), But one must wonder about someone who signs up to a pc forum to discus Egyptian Mummies. On their first post i may add.

And your IP address is not dissimilar to several other Spammers we have had recently.

Anyway that is all i am saying on the matter. Feel free to 'discuss' your mummies.
Point taken V_R, it was a strange 1st post for an IT forum.
You and the other mods do a good job.;)
kush.m you're a loony :)

What's your agenda?

You may or may not have noticed, this is a computer forum, not the Croydon Amateur Archeologist's club.

What were mummies coated with?

Who gives a flying one? :)

When I see Mummy I feel like a mummy...

That's a Captain Beefheart song btw :)
itsme said:

What Sauce..:D

Must have been around a few years then..
itsme said:
I`ll Ketchup with you later:lol:

OMG it's catching... :wall:

Methinks peeps have unearthed the 'Oldies but goodies olde jokes Almanac' and are floggin' it to death ;)
floppybootstomp said:
OMG it's catching...

Methinks peeps have unearthed the 'Oldies but goodies olde jokes Almanac' and are floggin' it to death ;)

I`ll fetch a whip-around tomorrow:rolleyes: :D