Walden Yapp
I am really starting to dispair of Microsoft's grasp on security issues. Why
is the Encrypting File System not available on XP Home systems. Is the logic
that no home computer would ever need to store sensitive information or is
it the case that if you have sensitive information you should buy
professional even though you use it at home. Surely the Pro and Home
suffixes are misleading in the case. I would suggest Grown User and Child
User or Human and Micky Mouse, or perhaps Not Very Secure and Unsecure.
is the Encrypting File System not available on XP Home systems. Is the logic
that no home computer would ever need to store sensitive information or is
it the case that if you have sensitive information you should buy
professional even though you use it at home. Surely the Pro and Home
suffixes are misleading in the case. I would suggest Grown User and Child
User or Human and Micky Mouse, or perhaps Not Very Secure and Unsecure.