Effects - with a big "X" in the photo

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I have photos that I have taken. Why is it that when I add most any 'effect'
to them, that the system puts a big "X" on top of the photo. If I remove the
'effect', then the "X" goes away.

If i leave the effect, and run the movie, it plays great...but the "X" is
still there.

Help please!!
You are using Windows Xp and MM version 2.1?
The photo is till in the same place that it was when you added it to the
timeline, so if it was in my pictures it is still there?
What file type is the picture?
So, it doesn't happen with every effect? Is it most, 1/2, just a few. Would
you like to name the ones that it works ok with and some that it doesn't.
Thanks for the quick reply.

Yes xp and I just downloaded the latest version. The photo has not moved.
I just opened a new project with just one photo and tried it and still get
the X.

The first couple of effects are ok, but any of the others immediately cause
the X...99% of them cause the X

I'm not at home so I can't remember...but it was one of the first 2 or 3
effects on the list that worked...but the others would cause the X.

I like using the effects that cause the photo to "move" and those definately
cause the X.

I've tried to decrease the picture size and make it smaller ...but that does
not help.

Thanks for any advise you can send my way!!

Frustrated in Atlanta.
I am at work now and just downloaded Movie Maker on my computer which is also

I don't have as many "effects" choices - like the ones that would "move" the
photo from left to right or zoom in/out.

Why don't I have as many effects now?
What file type is the picture, jpegs can sometimes cause funny problems, so
use a bitmap adn see if you get the same problem.
I'd just try a couple and see, save doing all that work and finding it
doesn't help.
Just got home....I tooke the same photo and saved it as a bmp. When I add
Fade in and Fade Out, no problem. When I add a "Pan" to it, that's when I
get the X.

Any ideas?
NO that shouldn't make any difference.

I'm stumped. Let's start from the beginning.

Which version of windows?
Which version of MM?

Have you tried with any video?
What happens?
Windows XP
Movie Maker version: 2.14026

I have not tired with a video. I have a new project, imported one photo.
Dragged the photo to the story board where it says Video. I right mouse
click and select Fade In and then Fade Out. All is ok to this point and the
photo fades in and out.

I next right mouse click and select one of the Pan options. As soon as I
select Ok, the screen refreshes and a big "X appears over the photo. When I
play the photo, it Fades in and out and the Pan effect also works, its just
the "X" is on top of the photo.

Can you email me at (e-mail address removed) and I can send you a screen shot?

I have used this before and am just at a loss. Last night, I went to
Microsoft and completly updated my computer. I'm working on a Church project
and I just cannot believe that this is doing this.

Thanks for your help!
smelhus said:
Windows XP
Movie Maker version: 2.14026

I have not tired with a video. I have a new project, imported one
photo. Dragged the photo to the story board where it says Video. I
right mouse click and select Fade In and then Fade Out. All is ok to
this point and the photo fades in and out.

I next right mouse click and select one of the Pan options. As soon
as I select Ok, the screen refreshes and a big "X appears over the
photo. When I play the photo, it Fades in and out and the Pan effect
also works, its just the "X" is on top of the photo.

Can you email me at (e-mail address removed) and I can send you a
screen shot?

I have used this before and am just at a loss. Last night, I went to
Microsoft and completly updated my computer. I'm working on a Church
project and I just cannot believe that this is doing this.

Thanks for your help!
It's possible that you need to update your video driver.

Try reducing your Graphics Hardware Acceleration
as per the instructions in the following article.

(272193) PI: How to Troubleshoot
Graphics Issues
(scroll down to:
Microsoft Windows 2000 and Windows XP)

If it improves the issue, you need to search the
support website of your Video adapter's mfg. for
an updated video driver.

More info:
Movie Maker 2 Crashes and Hangs

FWIW...PhotoStory 3 may be a better
choice of software for working with still shots:

PhotoStory 3 For Windows


John Inzer
MS Picture It! -
Digital Image MVP

Digital Image
Highlights and FAQs

This is not tech support
I am a volunteer

Solutions that work for
me may not work for you

Proceed at your own risk
the trial version of Pixelan's Pan/Zoom and other packages put big X's on
the clips... until you purchase the full versions.