effects, transitions and ... saving! Should I consider leaving MM2

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Hi I have seen many reports on troubles with transitions effetcts, titiles
etc.... and no real solution.

I am unfortunately experiencing the same problem and tried all documented
workarouns (even the ones that seem very odd).

But most importantly, I have a crash when saving the movie (tried several
wmv formats...). Which makes the software useless you would agree...

It simply crash on one of the few animations that are working in the MM2

Also, it seems that the development, fixing and support activity of MS is
almost to a standstill (no real things since several months...).

Does it mean MS decide MM2 is no longer a product they want to carry
strategically? Which would be perfectly fine if it was made clear.

In other words, should I forget about using MM2 (and loose the time I spent
creating this failry time consuming 1 hours movie) and use another
commercially available solution such as media creator 7.5 or so?

Thanks for any usefull answer hint or indication.
We cannot advice you to leave or stick to MM2. If you have a problem we
might be able to provide a solution or workaround.
I am unfortunately experiencing the same problem and
tried all documented workarouns (even the ones that
seem very odd).

Would you care to menetion which workarounds have you tried?

It simply crash on one of the few animations that are working
in the MM2 interface.

Crashes are mostly related to incompatible codecs. Start by disabling
all codecs listed in the Tools->Options->Compatibility tab.

Read up the www.papajohn.org > Problem Solving > Crashes & Hangs

I did indeed disable all codecs in the "compatibility" page, I also renamed
all "suspicious" .ax files, changed the hardware acceleration , removed my
VPN software, reduced the file size, reinstalled mm2...

Nothing helped. As a matter of fact on my other pc it does work.... but that
is not satisfactory as I do need the more powerfull one (HP nw8000 laptop) to
work as well.

Any help welcome.
the codec situation on each machine is different... you don't mention the
kinds of source files you are using and if your system works OK with any
source files... a string of a few BMPs? DV-AVI from a digital camcorder?


Movie Maker 2 and Photo Story 3 - www.papajohn.org
Photo Story 2 - www.photostory.papajohn.org
it is an ixus 4000.

But it also fails with empty project (i.e. only titles and transitions...)
(e.g. most title animations do not work...

FYI I use HP nw8000 laptop (fairly recent)
I'm striking out looking for a Canon ixus 4000 camcorder or camera.... what
I'm looking for:

is it a digicam still camera that takes video clips as an added feature...
if so, what format are the files recorded in... captured via USB?


is it a digital camcorder connected via firewire and captured as DV-AVI

If it's the digicam, it won't work with Movie Maker... if it's a digital
camcorder via firewire, it should work.

Movie Maker 2 and Photo Story 3 - www.papajohn.org
Photo Story 2 - www.photostory.papajohn.org
It is a digital camera that takes video clips as an added feature indeed
(Sorry for the misspelling it is in fact the ixus 400 - one 0 too much).

It creates .avi files and they are indeed transfered using usb.

But I do not think it is the correct route to a solution as the symptoms
appear also with a "movie/picture-less" project.
All I have is my Problem Solving > Crashes and Hangs page... and the
overall Problem-Solving section of my site.

There's not enough clues in the posts for me to suggest anything more
specific... with the AVI files of the camera being motion JPEG's, and
whatever other source files you use... it all seems to point to codec
issues. Each computer has a different set of installed codecs to pick from,
so what works on one doesn't necessarily work on the other. The codecs are
outside of Movie Maker but used by it.

Movie Maker 2 and Photo Story 3 - www.papajohn.org
Photo Story 2 - www.photostory.papajohn.org
Please also explain the problems one at a time. What is exactly the problem
with transitions and effects and titles?
i am having severe problems with Ixus clips downloaded thru mm slot (directly
from flash card). MM2 plays the clips and previews the movie but when it
gets saved and played in Media Player, the colors are saturated (like a color

I assume from Papajohn's comments that MM2 can't work with clips from
digital cameras.

Is there a program that can stitch digital camera clips together AND make
them playable in Media Player?