Hi Milly,
I located the PST file and opened it. It gave me all my e-mails, contacts
and calendar, but the rules are not there.
In fact, under Tools I did not have the "Rules and Alerts.." at all. I
thought may be I should create one or more POP e-mails accounts first for
"Rules and Alerts" to show up.
I created one e-mail account and "Rules and Alerts" showed up, but it is
I tried Tools, Rules and Alerts, Options, Import Rules, it looks for *.rwz
file which I do not have.
Your help is highly appreciated.
"Milly Staples [MVP - Outlook]"
Your rules are in your .pst file in that case but your account settings are
not saved with the .pst file - they are still in the registry.
Milly Staples [MVP - Outlook]
Post all replies to the group to keep the discussion intact. All
unsolicited mail sent to my personal account will be deleted without
After furious head scratching, Ben asked:
| I am running Windows XP SP2 and Outlook 2003 SP2.
| Thanks
| Ben
| | If an older version of Outlook, your rules are in a separate file
| with a .rwz extension. Your account settings are in the registry.
| What version of Outlook are you using (note - it always helps to post
| this information in the initial post - it cuts down on the guess work
| from folks trying to help)?
|| Sorry for the confusion.
|| I see that I have my contacts and calendar, but I have not been able
|| to locate my rules and e-mail account settings.
|| Are they lost?
|| Thanks again.
|| Ben
|| ||| Hi Milly,
||| Thank you for your great help.
||| Anyway I can get my Contacts, e-mail account settings, and rules
||| back.
||| Tks & Merry Christmas
||| Ben
||| ||| If you were using a .pst file for your mail storage, it may have a
||| different name than outlook.pst - search for any .pst file that you
||| can find (search hidden folders as well). Once the .pst(s) are
||| found, open Outlook and use File->Open->Outlook Data File. Open
||| your old .pst and you should be up and running again.
||| --
||| Milly Staples [MVP - Outlook]
||| Post all replies to the group to keep the discussion intact.
||| After furious head scratching, Ben asked:
|||| My PC was a stand alone PC that previously belonged to a domain
|||| (that was no more in use). I had Outlook running on it that could
|||| get my e-mails from several web e-mail services using POP3 (no
|||| Exchange). I had a few thousand e-mails in this outlook. For some
|||| reason I removed my PC from the Domain and join a workgroup.
|||| Now when I launch my Outlook, it wants to start from scratch.
|||| Can my previous e-mail accounts, rules, contacts, and vital e-mails
|||| be re-stored?
|||| Thank you in advance,
|||| Ben