(e-mail address removed):
Here is a belated link I was working on with a great amount of help
from Susan and with the php assistance of Lars. I got bogged down and
it went to the back burner. I'm going to try to get back on it and
appreciate any feedback that anyone might have, particularily if you
can supply the information for any programs not listed or listed and
incomplete, or see any mistakes:
I'd read the discussions on your project and downloaded some of your early
deliminated (.csv) files. I was amazed with how much you got done, and more
so that it was in such a short timespan.
I tried not clicking your current results at all, but only lasted that a
day. Yet I do continue to succeed in resist taking even first step into,
say, global cross-compare of my installed text editors (100+). I view the
subject as enormous, so am cautious. (After PL is over, probably will
then permit myself taking some looks into a few parts of the subject.)
Now, on this one specific area brought up in this thread, the different
RTF saves and sizes between a handful of RTF+WP editors, I've been still
dwelling on that. Includes that I've begun a litte reading for the question,
"RTF, What Is."
One thing I hadn't even been aware of is that it's...a Microsoft Standard.
Perhaps orignially borrowed/taken/stolen from somebody else (said from IBM),
since that's BG's top skill. Yet at present is nevertheless defined as
a proprietary Microsoft format. Difference between RTF and some other
propietary WP formats is that MSFT makes public the full specs for RTF.
I haven't got too far in my reading. First glance is showing different
levels of the RTF specs. There's a doc for 1.1 that I've found, and on up
to about RTF specification 1.6...for what I've thus seen. And, oh, have
learnt that those characters you were analyzing, they're called "control
words." But I'm already typing more than I intended, advance of having
anything mapped in my mind. Meant to only post here that I am still in
the process of puzzling the thing over.
On specific handling by different RTF-eds and WPs, I did get done a list
of those which have no ability to add graphics, vs those which do. I'll
probably post that up later on. It seems someone hunting for an RTF editor
would want to know which ones have that limit.
Now the further area, comparisons amongst those editors which do support
graphics, there are still some things one would want to know.
You already achieved the hightest priority question, who does the file size
the smallest.
And you started with some results about who can read whose files. Additional
results on this last would be useful, and it's something I intend to look
into a bit...
I mean, once upon a time (ie prior to a few days ago), I'd very mistakenly
had the commonplace notion that RTF was a universal format compatible with
any RTF-aware reader. Yet given what we've witnessed, that's quite untrue.