Which exact key/subkey and value? This behavior is by design for many of
Navigate to HKEY_CLASSES_ROOT\ SystemFileAssociations\ image\ ShellEx\
Delete the ShellImagePreview key.
Navigate to HKEY_CLASSES_ROOT\ CLSID\ {e84fda7c-1d6a-45f6-b725-
cb260c236066}\ shellex.
Delete the MayChangeDefaultMenu key.
Neither works.
As for .bmp's, what do you want to change it to?
At this point, anything other than their damn "picture and fax viewer"
I have an edit that will
modify it to open to Paint on line 192:
Nifty page you have there. However it doesn't work.
At least it doesn't open BMP in Paint when i double click on the BMP, it
opens them in the "Microsoft Picture and Fax viewer", however if i right
click on the BMP and select the "open with" menu, i can see that Paint
has been added there....
One change though, now there is a delay when clicking in a BMP (or TXT
file for that matter) before it opens. Double click on a text files now
takes 4 seconds before it opens in notepad. Even right clicking on a BMP
takes 3-4 seconds before a menu shows up (where previously it just
popped up)