Editing screen grabbed videos

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I make educational videos using the "Screen" codec from Media encoder. When I
try to edit these videos with Windows Movie Maker (to add titles, cut out
bloopers etc) I don't seem to find a way to save the edited video back with
the same "Screen" codec. If I use another codec the final .wmv is up to 10
times larger. Also WMM can't keep the original video size and distorts it to
4:3 or 16:9 format.
Is there any other way to edit "screen grabbed" .wmvs?
Respectfully, I am not comfortable with this response - it fails to answer
the question posed (which was very 'to-the-point'). The question is, how does
one take the Screen Capture codec from WME, and use it in MM2? I too am
having the same trouble, and after following the instructions in
www.papajohn.org (copying the profile file ending in .prx into C:\Program
Files\MovieMaker\Shared\Profiles\, and restarting MM2), the profile is still
not available. Anyone run into this?
The answer to this is two-fold (but ultimately, Yes.)

First, take Windows Media Encoder's Screen Capture profile (.prx file), and
copy it to the C:\Program Files\Movie Maker\Shared\Profiles\ directory.

This (which comes from PapaJohn's website) will place the profile in a
location where MM2 can find it. As it turns out, MM2 still can't load it, so
perform the following:

Double-click the profile you copied into the directory above, click on the
123 Kbps tab (or, whatever tab is to the right of the 'General' tab), and
de-select the 'Same as video input' checkbox. Now, in the 'Video size'
fields, type in the height & width of the resolution that you recorded the
video at. Save the profile and start MM2 (or close and restart it if MM2 was
running when you performed these steps).

This was deduced from Microsoft's website:
which lists a number of settings in the .prx profile that will prevent MM2
from displaying it as an option when saving the movie file.

Hope this helps.
Movie Maker can't use the Screen Capture Codec that the Encoder uses... it
can't even use a screen capture session WMV file as a source file for a