editing/copying MM2 using different computers

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We just learned to use MM2 yesterday. My daughter's group (12 years old)
would each like to edit a portion of the movie. I burned it to a CD, but I
cannot open it (how do you open the file?). How would each member edit their
portion and how would we re-assemble the whole thing (assuming each has MM2
and CD burner). I read a post that was similar, but I need a lot more
detail. We're new at this! Thanks!
It's difficult having so many versions around, but trying to be simple.
They will all need all the files, including the bits of video any stills and
music etc.
What did you burn to a cd? The movie files or the project? The project is
just a list of instructions for MM, but no good unless you have the files as
well. Bit like I've got the cookery book which tells me how to make a cake,
but without the ingredients you can't do anything with it.
Once they all have the information they need, they could all edit a small
portion of the movie. After this they would all save their parts as dv-avi
files. All of these dv-avi files would need to be collected together and put
on one machine and imported into one collections folder adn then dragged
down to teh timeline to make the one movie. Save the movie as a dv-avi again
adn you have one whole movie made by lots of people.

Graham Hughes
MVP Digital Media
Laird of Glencairn
I'm still lost. What is the difference between a movie "file" and a
"project"? I saved the folder on the CD. What should I have saved? And
again, once I save it, how do I open it on another computer? I'm new to
these digital things, so please be very specific with your instructions.
The difference between a movie file and the project.
Back to my cooking analogy.
The project is the cookery book, all the instructions for making the cake,
all the seperate ingredients in their packets and the bowls, spoons etc you
need to bake the cake.
The movie file is the finished cake when it is cooked. It contains all the
ingredients that you started with, but they are now combined into one unit.

So the project is all the video files you captured from the camcorder, any
stills you are using, transitions/titles, extra background music etc.

When you have made the movie on the timeline/storyboard of movie maker then
you will save the movie. The movie will contain all the parts you put in,
but it will all be in one file
Graham Hughes
MVP Digital Media
Laird of Glencairn