This was working a few days ago and now doesn't. When you try and Edit a Web
query the web query box pops up with the correct web address, but you get a
message ... "Navigation to the webpage was cancelled". The Web Query does
work as it is on automatic refresh in the background and pulls back the
correct data, I just can't edit it. I can run IE7 with the same address and
it works fine. I also cannot add a new web query as I only ever get the
default IE web page displayed.
the address is http://uk.finance.yahoo.com/d/quotes.csv?s=DGO.L&f=c1
Any ideas? I suspect an Windows automatic update has downloaded a "fix" and
broken it
query the web query box pops up with the correct web address, but you get a
message ... "Navigation to the webpage was cancelled". The Web Query does
work as it is on automatic refresh in the background and pulls back the
correct data, I just can't edit it. I can run IE7 with the same address and
it works fine. I also cannot add a new web query as I only ever get the
default IE web page displayed.
the address is http://uk.finance.yahoo.com/d/quotes.csv?s=DGO.L&f=c1
Any ideas? I suspect an Windows automatic update has downloaded a "fix" and
broken it