I don't know that you can do this still using a hyperlink field, but how
-using a plain textbox, IsHyperlink = False
-change the font to blue, underscore
-trap the Click event of the textbox.
*Air Code*
- assumes textbox is named txtDocument
- assumes read-only status is stored in bReadOnly (could be control on form,
- uses References to Word and Excel
- could be done with late binding (Dim As Object,
Select Case Right(txtDocument, 4)
Case ".doc"
Set appWord = New Word.Application
appWord.Documents.Open txtDocument, , bReadOnly
Set appWord = Nothing
Case ".xls"
appExcel = New Excel.Application
appExcel.Workbooks.Open txtDocument, , bReadOnly 'third argument is
read-only state
Set appExcel = Nothing
Case Else
'for unspecified types, you can't force a read-only
'you can still use the Windows associated action with
Application.FollowHyperlink txtDocument
End Select
Opening a file as read-only is dependent on application-specific
information. However, you probably will know ahead of time the important
types of documents to use and can spell out specific code. Use
Application.FollowHyperlink to revert to "old way"