I created a menu choice on the popup menu for folders to
go to that directly to that directory in a DOS window,
which is a very handy thing. Trouble is the first time I
did it, I made a typo in the Action name and now I can't
get rid of it. I am logged in with admin priveleges, but
when I select the Action in the Edit File Type dialog,
both the Edit and Remove buttons are always disabled. I
also tried logging in as the true administrator to the
machine, but the buttons were still disabled. Does anyone
know any other way of getting rid of menu choices on the
popup menu for a folder? There are other commands I'd
like to get rid of as well. Thanks.
PS Here is how you add the command to the popup menu:
1. Tools > Folder Options > File Types
2. Click Folder file type.
3. Click Advanced button.
4. Click New and configure:
Action: Command Prompt Here
Application Used to Perform Action: c:\windows\system32
\cmd.exe /K cd
go to that directly to that directory in a DOS window,
which is a very handy thing. Trouble is the first time I
did it, I made a typo in the Action name and now I can't
get rid of it. I am logged in with admin priveleges, but
when I select the Action in the Edit File Type dialog,
both the Edit and Remove buttons are always disabled. I
also tried logging in as the true administrator to the
machine, but the buttons were still disabled. Does anyone
know any other way of getting rid of menu choices on the
popup menu for a folder? There are other commands I'd
like to get rid of as well. Thanks.
PS Here is how you add the command to the popup menu:
1. Tools > Folder Options > File Types
2. Click Folder file type.
3. Click Advanced button.
4. Click New and configure:
Action: Command Prompt Here
Application Used to Perform Action: c:\windows\system32
\cmd.exe /K cd