Edit button and View Source problems

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I'm having problems with my IE 6. The "Edit" button I use to publish with is
grayed out and not accessible. Also "View Source" is not working.

I have Windows XP with SP2 installed. I'm not sure, but I believe this
problem may be due to a registry cleaner program I use; I may have deleted
some files I need when I asked this porgram to clean files/path references to
non-existent folders and files.

I use the "Edit" button in IE 6 with FrontPage 2000 to publish some of my
websites. I uses "View Source" to check code.

I've already checked My Documents/All Users/Desktop/ to see if notepad.exe
was missing, but it's not there. When I try to install it, I get an error
message from the registry.

If someone has a clue as to what I did or why I can't access these IE
buttons, please help.

Hi Noreen :-)

You may need to reinstall the Front Page, although, I don't know much about
that program, and perhaps someone else may have information on that.
However, you may be able to extract a new copy of the notepad.exe from your
cabinet (CAB) files on your hard drive. You can extract it to the folder
where it should be. As you can't find the other, you should be able to make
a clean replacement. You will need to be logged on as Administrator. Here
are the instructions for extracting a file from your CAB's.

How to extract a file in Windows 95-XP

If these steps do not resolve your problem, or you need help with the above,
please post back to this thread with the details and any error messages.

Hope this helps

Jan :)
Smiles are meant to be shared,
that's why they're so contagious.

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Hi Jan :)

Thanks for your quick response. It is greatly appreciated.

I reinstalled FrontPage. No change. Still the same problems as before:
Edit button in IE6 is grayed out and view source is unaccesible.

I went to the link you suggested for extracting a file from XP. I did as
the info instructed.

When I tried to run sfc / scannow, the DOS window popped up for 1/2 second
then disappered.

When I went to System Tools, to locate Files Signature Verification Utility
and scanned for files that may be unsigned or corrupted, these are the files
it told me were unsigned:


It did not ask me to install my reboot CD. It just showed me the files that
were unsigned and then asked me to close the window.

Any other suggestions?

Hi Noreen :-)

In that you have several files that need to be replaced, I suggest that you
do a repair of your IE first. This may resolve the problems. I perfer to
suggest the repair than to download replacement from the Internet, as some
are not always compatible or good installs.

Here are the instructions for repairing your IE in XP. Please follow all
instructions carefully:

But, before repairing IE6 SP2 you will have to remove Windows XP Service
Pact 2 from Control Panel>Add or Remove Programs.

How to remove Windows XP Service Pack 2 from your computer


How to Reinstall or Repair Internet Explorer and Outlook Express in Windows

If these steps do not resolve your problem, or you need help with the above,
please post back to this thread with the details and any error messages.

Hope this helps

Jan :)
Smiles are meant to be shared,
that's why they're so contagious.

Replies are posted only to the newsgroup for the benefit or other readers.
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Hi Jan,

Thank you again for helping me.

I did all that you suggested. Still no go. The Edit button remains grayed
out. View source is still inaccessible.

I even asked for help in the MS FrontPage message board at:

No resolved answers from there either.

It's been a long day of babysitting my pc and I feel I've accomplished
little. Frustrating. I'm going to need a drink after all this is done.

Hi Noreen :-)
Hi Jan,

Thank you again for helping me.

I did all that you suggested. Still no go. The Edit button remains grayed
out. View source is still inaccessible.

I even asked for help in the MS FrontPage message board at:

No resolved answers from there either.

If you have Norton anything, disable it. If you have Yahoo Companion,
uninstall it, if you have any ad or popup blockers for any kind, disable
them. If you have any 3rd party toolbars or add-on, disable or uninstall
them. Tests again.

Please keep us informed of what your FP response it as well. It may help us
help you on this end too.
It's been a long day of babysitting my pc and I feel I've accomplished
little. Frustrating. I'm going to need a drink after all this is done.

I feel your pain. What the heck....it's Friday...so have two...you'll feel
much better. Trust me... I speak from experience. ;o))Hope this helps

Jan :)
Smiles are meant to be shared,
that's why they're so contagious.

Replies are posted only to the newsgroup for the benefit or other readers.
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Hello Jan,

Once again, I've tried all your suggestions. Still no go.

I did remove some spyware that was detected after I tried your suggestions.
Once I rebooted after deleting the spyware, the " Edit" button was accessible
for about 1/16 of a second and then went to gray.

View Source still not working as well.

Hi Noreen :-)

Something seems to be blocking it, or you may need to repair your IE. I
gather you have not heard from the FP forum yet? I really think we should
wait until you hear from them, as there may be something on that end that is
causing the problem, and all your efforts with IE may just be spinning your
wheels for nothing.

Post back after you hear from them and let us know how things went, then we
can take it from there if necessary.

Just post back here, we'll be watching.

Jan :)
Smiles are meant to be shared,
that's why they're so contagious.
Noreen said:
Hello Jan,

Once again, I've tried all your suggestions. Still no go.

I did remove some spyware that was detected after I tried your
Once I rebooted after deleting the spyware, the " Edit" button was
for about 1/16 of a second and then went to gray.

View Source still not working as well.


Did you use HijackThis?
Go to: http://mvps.org/winhelp2002/unwanted.htm
Download "Hijack This!" [freeware]

Unzip, double-click "HijackThis.exe" and Press "Scan".

When the scan is finished, the "Scan" button will change into a "Save Log"
Click: "Save Log" (generates: "hijackthis.log")

Next, go to the below location:

Sign in, go to the "Spyware and Hijackware Removal" section.
Press "New Topic" and post a description of your symptoms. If they need to
see your log they will ask for it.

Frank Saunders, MS-MVP, IE/OE
Please respond in Newsgroup only. Do not send email
Protect your PC
Have you emptied your IE cache? That often works.

Make sure notepad.exe is in ..\windows and that it is not a third party

Also, search your registry for the DWORD noviewsource. If that exists,
delete it or set it to 0.

Have a look at these site for hints:

Changing Source Code Editor in Internet Explorer

Cannot View Source in Internet Explorer

Cannot View Source Code for Web Pages

How to View HTML Source Code for Web Pages in Internet Explorer

Word is not listed as an HTML editor in IE


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Sandi - Microsoft MVP since 1999 (IE/OE)
Hi Sandi, Frank and Jan :)

Yes, I did all that you suggested. No go, still the same problems.

Sandi, the first link you gave helped a bit, but the others were not helpful
for my IE6 because they did not give any explanations as to how to preform
the tasks (it was for older versions only). As for the registry, some names
included DWORD in the entire name, but I didn't know if I was to delete it or
not. And I have no clue how to set it (value?) to "0".

After I tried this,....I installed a beta version of a MS spyware tool
(suggested from the MS Frontpage Message board) from this link:
-- I found a bunch more spyware with this software. I deleted the spyware
as it instructed. But it still did not resolve my Edit button or View Source

I also tried to install "HijackThis", as suggested by Frank here, but every
time I did a scan with this program, I got an error message saying that it
couldn't complete the scan.

After all this, I even tried reinstalling FrontPage 2000 and rebooting.
Still no go.

thanks for all your suggestions,

Hi Noreen :-)

Try the following and see if it helps. Even if you have already run some
programs, run them again according to the instructions in the information
below to thoroughly clean your system. It is best to read through all the
information before you start to know before hand what you need to do and
how. Follow all instructions to the letter as much as possible.

WARNING>>>> Backup all documents, files and settings before removing any

Dealing with Unwanted Spyware and Parasites:

What You Should Know About Spyware
Be sure to run CWShredder here


and AdAware and Spybot.
Download the newest version of HiJackThis here:
and SpyBot Search & Destroy


Also visit these two sites to test for parasites and help basic cleaning:

On-Line Check



Quick-Fix Protocol.

Basically, throw everything here at your "infection".

And be sure to use the HijackThis. Please DO NOT post your log to this
newsgroup, but to the HiJackThis Support Forums below:
the Aumha HiJackThis Forum

or Bleeping Computer Forum


to allow the experts there to evaluate your log and advise you of any
necessary steps to clean your system.

(Note: You will have to Register before posting on these Forums. Please
follow all posting instructions carefully to avoid having your log deleted
or ignored.

Also this program searches for hidden .dlls that recreate the malware.
About Buster:

CAUTION!!!!! Before you try to remove spyware using any of the programs
below, download a copy of LSPFIX from any of the following sites:
(if your OS is Win2k or XP) The process of removing certain malware may kill
your internet connection. If this should occur, this program, LSPFIX, will
enable you to regain your connection.

You should also get a copy of WINSOCKXPFIX available at:
WinsockXP Fix- WinXP
with instructions, at
From LavaSoft- all versions of Windows-
(NOTE: It is reported that in XP SP2, the command netsh winsock reset
will fix this problem without the need for these programs.)

or ........

Winsock Fix Utility


Courtesy of Jim Byrd -

Download Sysclean.com, from Trend Micro, here:
http://www.trendmicro.com/download/dcs.asp along with the latest pattern
file, here:
Be sure to read the "How-to" info here:
You might also want to get Art's updater, SYS-UP.Zip, here for future
updating of these: http://home.epix.net/~artnpeg/.
(If you download and use the updater from the beginning, it will
automatically handle downloading the other files. Place them in a dedicated
folder after appropriate unzipping, and then run. This scan may take a long
time, as Sysclean is VERY extensive and thorough

NOTE: If you can not download these programs from the Internet, if your PC
has CD read capabilities, go to another computer with CD-ROM burning
capabilities. Create a folder on the hard drive of the other computer called
HOLD, download the programs to that folder, then burn that folder to a CD.
Copy the HOLD folder to your HD and then install the programs from there
and run them. After you have IE access again, update all programs where
possible to get the latest definitions and run them again in Safe Mode to be
sure there are no lingering items on the system.

If these steps do not resolve your problem, or you need help with the above,
please post back to this thread with the details and any error messages.

Hope this helps

Jan :)
Smiles are meant to be shared,
that's why they're so contagious.

Replies are posted only to the newsgroup for the benefit or other readers.
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Hi Noreen,

Did you successfully check your registry for the DWORD, and did you empty
your IE cache? Can you please advice what 'helped a bit' refers to? Was the
problem resolved for a short while before recurring? I'm not sure that
spyware would cause this problem, to be honest. Also, a thing that occurs
to me is that web sites can be coded to block the edit/view source buttons.
Does your problem occur on all sites or just one/none?

Instructions same for IE6.

Ignore for now.

Are you using NTFS? If you don't know, you're not and you can safely

Hyperlinks are used to ensure advice remains current
Visit the Internet Explorer Online Community:
Sandi - Microsoft MVP since 1999 (IE/OE)