Edit a switchboard menu. All I get is the Main menu.



I cannot edit the appearance of the 2nd menu created under the Main Menu. It
was created using Switchboard manager but evetry time I display the Print
Menu and click Design View it reverts to the Main Menu. My Print Menu has
the same title as the Main menu. Please help!!

Jeff Conrad

The Switchboard Manager actually only uses *one* form.

Through code and the items listed in the "Switchboard Items"
*table*, the form hides and changes the various preset eight
command buttons and captions. It looks like you are using
different forms, but in fact you are using only one form.

If you change anything on the form, like add a text box or
something, that control will show up on all of your various
sub-switchboard menus. It is possible to hide and show
things based on the sub menus, but it can get pretty
complicated if you do not know what you are doing.

You might be better off creating your own unbound form
to serve as your Switchboard if you need to do a lot
of customization.

Jeff Conrad
Access Junkie - MVP

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