ECS Liva

  • Thread starter Thread starter Rene Lamontagne
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Rene Lamontagne

Has anyone here used one of these yet?
In particuler the White version with 64 GB, If so any comments so far.
It looks kinda interesting.,

Thanks and Regards, Rene
Has anyone here used one of these yet?
In particuler the White version with 64 GB, If so any comments so far.
It looks kinda interesting.,

Limited storage...

@~@ Remain silent. Nothing from soldiers and magicians is real!
/ v \ Simplicity is Beauty! May the Force and farces be with you!
/( _ )\ (Fedora 19 i686) Linux 3.14.22-100.fc19.i686
^ ^ 20:27:02 up 8:26 0 users load average: 0.00 0.01 0.05
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Mr. Man-wai Chang said:
Limited storage...

Could the M.2 slot (that holds the Wifi), be used
for one of these ? The ECS site, optimized for someone
other than me, doesn't answer the question. The ECS web page
is probably meant for someone with a cellphone.

There is a review on Anandtech, from July.

Apparently it runs at full speed, without overheating.
The Tj of the CPU is 100C out of 105C max, with both
Prime95 and Furmark graphics applied. So when it's
computationally loaded, you can boil water on the CPU
junction. Just like a lot of laptops do it.

If we look at the N2806 CPU here at 1.6GHz, the thing
gets a rating of 762. Even if we use the ECS permanent
overclock of 2GHz, and multiply by 2/1.6, that gives 952.

The machine I'm typing on, with E8400 3GHz, gets 2167. So
it would feel like it was half the speed of my desktop.
But only drawing 12W (from a 15W max adapter).

Could the M.2 slot (that holds the Wifi), be used
for one of these ? The ECS site, optimized for someone
other than me, doesn't answer the question. The ECS web page
is probably meant for someone with a cellphone.
There is a review on Anandtech, from July.

I forgot about the USB ports. But then, it's still not SATA 3!

Not sure whether you could use its M.2 for storage....

@~@ Remain silent. Nothing from soldiers and magicians is real!
/ v \ Simplicity is Beauty! May the Force and farces be with you!
/( _ )\ (Fedora 19 i686) Linux 3.14.22-100.fc19.i686
^ ^ 01:12:02 up 13:11 0 users load average: 0.00 0.01 0.05
ä¸å€Ÿè²¸! ä¸è©é¨™! ä¸æ´äº¤! ä¸æ‰“交! ä¸æ‰“劫! ä¸è‡ªæ®º! è«‹è€ƒæ…®ç¶œæ´ (CSSA):