Ecco Pro to Outlook (Outline Problem)

  • Thread starter Thread starter Alex
  • Start date Start date


My buisness is currently using Ecco Pro 4.02 and we have
an extensice phonebook list. My company has decided to
switch to the newest version of Outlook. I can transfer
all the Ecco fields over to Outlook as that is relativley
easy. I just export my Ecco phonebook in .csv and import
it into Outlook and just match up the fields.

The problem is that i cannot find a way to transfer the
outline information underneath all the names. It is
pertinent that I keep this information as I list all the
important facts about each of my contancts there. I do not
mind if the notes are imported seperately from the other
information but I need to have each name and its notes in
a seperate row or file. I do not even mind if I have to
import the name and notes into the note section on
Outlook, I just need a way to organize and file my Ecco
Outline on Outlook. I also do not mind if I have two files
in my contact list for each person (one with information
and one with the Ecoo Outline).
Can someone please send me some information on a way to do
this or does anyone know of a program that can transfer
this information.


Alexander J. Gill