ebc & clip art



hi...is it possible to use clip art as a background for an ebc. Have tried
saving in my pics, emailing myself...just can't do it. Any help gratefully

Brian Tillman

socks said:
hi...is it possible to use clip art as a background for an ebc. Have
tried saving in my pics, emailing myself...just can't do it. Any
help gratefully received.

What's an "ebc"?

Diane Poremsky

Outlook version? How are you trying to do it?

In 2007, if the clip art is a format outlook can use for biz cards, yes. if
not, you'll need to convert it to a format outlook can use.

Brian Tillman

socks said:
an electronic business card

While I've never done it, my understanding is that the vCard definition
allows images in certain fields. Which fields those are, however, I can't


Diane Poremsky said:
Outlook version? How are you trying to do it?

In 2007, if the clip art is a format outlook can use for biz cards, yes. if
not, you'll need to convert it to a format outlook can use.

Thanks, Diane. Have sorted it out, finally.

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