Hello again. I would like to have a subform appear when the value in a text
box is less than 3. I have tried all the update events but still have no
success. I am using the following code
Private Sub txtTextBox_Change()
Dim intyears As Integer
intyears = txtAddressYears.Value ' have tried to do with and without this
If intyears < 3 Then
sfrmSubform.Visible = True
sfrmSubform.Visible = False
End If
Please help
box is less than 3. I have tried all the update events but still have no
success. I am using the following code
Private Sub txtTextBox_Change()
Dim intyears As Integer
intyears = txtAddressYears.Value ' have tried to do with and without this
If intyears < 3 Then
sfrmSubform.Visible = True
sfrmSubform.Visible = False
End If
Please help