Ric Pullen
I am using windows forms security.
I have a login screen that validates the user, upon that screen i have a
radiogroup that allows the user either to goto the main menu or jump
directly into the data entry screen.
If valid i redirect them to a footer frame type, obviously I want the main
frame to load up with the relevant page:
I'm trying something like :
<frameset rows="97%,19" border="0" frameSpacing="0" frameBorder="0">
<frame name="main" src= <% session("Firstpage")%> >
<frame name="footer" src="footer.aspx" scrolling="no" noresize>
Obviously it isn't working, i just get a blank page in the main window, i
have tried adding " and ' arround but get nothing
please help this idiot.
I have a login screen that validates the user, upon that screen i have a
radiogroup that allows the user either to goto the main menu or jump
directly into the data entry screen.
If valid i redirect them to a footer frame type, obviously I want the main
frame to load up with the relevant page:
I'm trying something like :
<frameset rows="97%,19" border="0" frameSpacing="0" frameBorder="0">
<frame name="main" src= <% session("Firstpage")%> >
<frame name="footer" src="footer.aspx" scrolling="no" noresize>
Obviously it isn't working, i just get a blank page in the main window, i
have tried adding " and ' arround but get nothing
please help this idiot.