Easy Inputting Time in a Cell



I am hoping you can answer this question. I would like to know how t
enter time in a cell that is formatted as hh:mm without having to us
the colon? Currently when I want to input 8:00 in the cell I would hav
to enter it in as "8:00" I would like to input it in as "800" and 8:0
will display. It currently will display 0:00.

I am creating a time sheet and each employee must fill in the time th
started work, time they went to lunch, time back from lunch and th
time they ended their shift. I want to make this an easy entry, i

Thank you so much for your help,


Thank you Frank for the information! Is there any easier way to do this
I do not have experience with VBA

Dave Peterson

Can you use a series of helper cells? Enter your data in one cell and display
it in another:


And format it as "hh:mm"
(or any time format)

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