easy ? downloading/saving to

  • Thread starter Thread starter Alexis
  • Start date Start date


Where do I install a program when it told me to
save it to a location on my hard disk ?? Does that mean
WINNT or System 32 ?? Where do I save the install ??
Please help me before I choose the wrong one??
Thank you so much in advance !!
Have a great day !!
You dont install a program by saving it to a location. You can save to
anywhere, but I would suggest saving it to a specific folder, ie Download
Alexis said:
Where do I install a program when it told me to
save it to a location on my hard disk ?? Does that mean
WINNT or System 32 ?? Where do I save the install ??
Please help me before I choose the wrong one??
Thank you so much in advance !!
Have a great day !!

Installing a program and saving a download are 2 seperate operations. The
idea is that you have the option to save a document or executable wherever
you choose to save it. It's your responsability.

You might create a subfolder called Data or Downloads somewhere on your
drive and use that to organize your documents and downloads (keep it simple
and reachable). Once you download a program, you can then deal with the
procedure of installing it. That too is your responsability. Therefore, you
have the freedom to choose where the program gets installed.

The WINNT directory and subdirectories (including system32) is your
operating system directory (%windir%). Nothing stops you from creating
subfolders there but it makes sense to create a folder hierarchy elsewhere.
Its best to leave your OS clean. Its not a hard rule, but as mentioned
before, the point is that no-one else but you can decide how you organize
the PC's data.
Hi, Alexis - I see you have posted this question individually in a number of
groups. If you need to post to multiple groups, it's best to do so all at
once in a single message (separate the NG names with commas) so that
everyone can follow the thread. Thanks ....

Crossposting = posting once to several newsgroups within a single message.
This is not a Bad Thing (presuming the list of groups posted to is small,
and all the groups are truly relevant to your question)

Multiposting = posting separate, identical posts to several newsgroups. This
is a Bad Thing. :-)

See http://www.blakjak.demon.co.uk/mul_crss.htm