Easiest way to save image from an URL in ASP.NET


Hrvoje Vrbanc

I would like to know the most efficient way to copy an image from an
Internet URL to the local hard disk by means of using an ASP.NET page.

So, I would like to click the button on the ASP.NET page and thus to save a
copy of a picure at let's say http://www.blabla.com/pic.jpg to predefined
location on my hard disk.

Thanks in advance,

Kevin Spencer

I would like to know the most efficient way to copy an image from an
Internet URL to the local hard disk by means of using an ASP.NET page.

Open the page in a browser. The image will be in your Temporary Internet
Files folder.

Of course, if you want to find it more easily, right-click the image, and
choose "Save Image As..." from the context menu.


Kevin Spencer
Microsoft MVP
..Net Developer
We got a sick zebra a hat,
you ultimate tuna.

Edwin Knoppert

my.Computer.Network.DownloadFile (...)
So when the user clicks an image you should send the url directly.
Let the server download the image then.

Hrvoje Vrbanc

Hello Kevin!

I was in fact referring to an automated process for saving a lot of images
(named logically on remote server so that the names could be created
programatically) under names also created programatically.....


Hrvoje Vrbanc

That solved the problem, thanks!

Edwin Knoppert said:
my.Computer.Network.DownloadFile (...)
So when the user clicks an image you should send the url directly.
Let the server download the image then.

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